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AFP Photo / Abbas Momani 02.04, 12:29 26 comments

Israel to scale down intelligence in Iran - officials

Israeli intelligence are scaling down their covert operations in Iran and spy recruitment, Israeli security officials say. This would also imply a cutback in alleged high-profile missions such as assassinations and detonations at missile bases.

Israel vs Iran
AIsraeli soldiers, dressed in a protective suit , rinse with water the ground during a military exercise simulating the hit of a non conventional war fare missile in Israel, held in a military base near the southern kibbutz of Zikim. (AFP Photo / David Buimovitch) 01.04, 20:26 39 comments

Erdogan: Israeli strike on Iran would ‘devastate’ Middle East

An Israeli strike against Iran would have “disastrous” consequences for the entire region, says Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Earlier, Israel spoke of a three-month deadline for Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions.

Iran tension
Demonstrators hold placards and shout slogans during a "No War on Iran" protest in Los Angeles, California, on February 4, 2012. (AFP Photo / Frederic J. Brown) 29.03, 21:15 38 comments

Congressional report: Attack on Iran would be a failure

A new Congressional report affirms that a potential US or Israeli strike on Iran would be useless since the Islamic Republic could recuperate from it within a six month time frame.

Israel vs Iran Iran tension
Iranian 200-kilometre  range Qader ground-to-sea missile (AFP Photo / Jamejamonline / Ebrahim Noroozi) 29.03, 10:43 16 comments

‘Israel should give up nukes along with Iran’

The US is moving towards global zero under which Israel will give up nukes, because there’s no future for a crowded nuclear region. That’s what Richard R. Burt, American disarmament expert told RT.

Israel vs Iran Iran tension
U.S. Senator Rand Paul. (Reuters / Jonathan Ernst) 29.03, 00:43 20 comments

Rand Paul alone stops harsher sanctions on Iran

On Tuesday Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) summoned the US Constitution in an attempt to block even harsher sanction against Iran in fears of another war America could potentially be involved in.

Israel vs Iran Iran tension

­'Israel a threat to world peace' – Nobel laureate

Published: 04 April, 2012, 21:23
Edited: 05 April, 2012, 11:35

German author and Nobel Prize laureate Guenter Grass (AFP Photo / DDP / Michael Gottschalk)

German Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass is in the international spotlight after labeling Israel a “threat to world peace" in his new poem. Germany and Israel have both responded by strongly criticizing the writer.

Patrick (unregistered) April 04, 2012, 23:12 quote

Germany should stand by this man for he has spoken nothing but the truth!SHAME ON GERMANY FOR TURNING ITS BACK ON ITS OWN GERMAN PEOPLE!

Nationalist1 April 04, 2012, 23:16 quote

Wow , I love this man. He is true Nationalist. Germany and Russia are fighting common ememies. We should forget what happened before. Nazi germany and Soviet was ally before too, before Hitler got his brain twisted BUT soon he realised his biggest mistake.                                                                                
Today there is no Nazi Germany and No Soviet, Zionist were too smart to cheat these TWO great nation. Germany and Russia should unite and prove the world, WHO rules. I bet US was never capable of anything without Germany. They took away all Brilliant Nazi scientist. 

ShadowGilgamesh April 04, 2012, 23:17 quote

*Reads Title*
Finally! someone just comes out and says it!
*Clicks and reads story*
He just HAD to be German, didn't he? now everyone is gonna ignore that he's right when Israel counters by calling him a Nazi -_-"

dd April 04, 2012, 23:19 quote

The "west" its typical response, lets mock the one who tells the truth!

At least one German has the ba*ls to speak up straight.



Daniil- April 04, 2012, 23:22 quote

The guy is right. Israel is a nation created in the most foul way possible. It behaves like a little brat and wants more and more. And probably even aids against Ron Paul's campaign cause they know that as soon as he gets into the White House, all the financial aid to Israel will be nulled and that's their main source of income. 

I am not much of a nationalist, chauvinist and whatnot. But I stand by my statement that Israel is the only country in this world that should've never been made. 

Nationalist1 April 04, 2012, 23:23 quote

Democracy is the curse for Germany who lost the war and those Gemans who protest Zionist crimes are bad huh!!!!                                                              Germany is proud nation and History proves it. Only Germans can stand against US even though Germany is Infected with Western sin of Democracy

LET'S ASK THE UN April 04, 2012, 23:28 quote

What does the world think? Would Germany and Israel agree to respect a straight up or down vote in the UN? I didn't think so.

Sam April 05, 2012, 00:24 quote

So ironic to see that this Nobel Prize winner (Grass) gets condemned for speaking the truth and opposing war while the other Nobel Prize winner (Obama) gets his back side kissed by all nations for being a warmonger.
Makes you wonder the kind of world we live in, or should I say the kind of governments that live in the world.

hamunaptrah April 05, 2012, 00:51 quote

Günter Grass:  WELL SAID!The TRUTH shall set you FREE and the governments that denounce his free speech are  the very problem of which he speaks!

Eurasian (unregistered) April 05, 2012, 01:18 quote

They get particularly aggressive when the Nobel Peace laureates start to speak the TRUTH, which exposes their entire fiasco of the Oslo Nobel Peace Prize as a charade. From now the world will focus on the Hong Kong´s Nobel Peace Prize as counter measure.

Rven April 05, 2012, 02:52 quote

Is what Grass says not true? Why is he attacked with slanders and threats?

What he is speaking is reality and truth.

The majority of people, around the world, prefer reality and truth versus deception and lies, therefore the majority agrees with Grass.

san (unregistered) April 05, 2012, 02:58 quote

israHelli embassy calls it "blood libel". This is another jew word play.

It is not "libel" the always lying ones, it is called ritual human secrifice.

It is well documented in the jew book whish is conventionally called bible.

The jews as their "prophets" said were "puting their childrenthrue through fire".

These were secrifices to Moloch - the bull- god.

In later times and until the present jews commited adult and child secrifises in all countries which welcomed them. This is one of the best documented practices of human secrifices in human history. Do your own research on the internet.

This is a reason why the jews call it "libel". The same way these perverts call everybody who dares to say thruth about their evil deeds "antisemitic".

If saying thruth about the jews is "antisenitism" , OK, then "antisemitism" is humanism.

Did I say anything that is not thrue, am I an "antisemite"? Yes, I am a humanist, I am trying to protect humans from the evil.

Earl (unregistered) April 05, 2012, 03:19 quote

Wow someone with the common guts to tell it like it is way to go man.  

We need more like you Herr Grass.

jesse_a_b April 05, 2012, 03:51 quote

Telling the truth is now a revolutionnary act. Murderers won't run free forever.

friend April 05, 2012, 04:07 quote

"Germany and Israel have both responded by strongly criticizing the writer."

Not Germany , but german Media .
The Germans think , Günter Grass is right

gazza April 05, 2012, 04:15 quote

Truth hurts doesn't it, you evil Zionazi pigs?

living000 (unregistered) April 05, 2012, 04:22 quote

israeli policy dictates that if it looks like they will be over run then they will nuke the rest of us with their 200+ nukes, this is a fact, the other fact to my surprise is america was willing to nuke north Korea, China and Russia in the Korean war, the war on Vietnam as well, so the only real threat to the world is not just israel, but america as well, the very same two dictating to the world THEIR policies on democracy. HUH.

A.Smith April 05, 2012, 04:57 quote

This is simply 'yet another' Nobel laureate who is directly blaming the evil goose stepping Zionists leading Apartheid Israel for the current atmosphere of endless Wars, Terrorism and lack of World Peace.

The Satanically evil Zionists are reshaping the world using their endless wars to cleanse the world of the Arabic and Persian cultures, embarking on planned and directed global assassinations of outstanding educational scholars and stand-outs of the Arabic and Persian races with the express intention of cultural and racial genocide.

And while their 'MoneyChangers' fill their pockets with near unlimited wealth solely on utterly evil satanic actions and agenda's, the earth is unable to obtain the global peace that is totally required in order for humanity on earth to address, grapple with and solve nearly a dozen of globally alarming problems which are to large for a single nation to tackle and resolve alone.

In effect, the evil Zionists have triggered their 'Sampson Doctrine' destroying the earth because they didn't get their way.

More than ever, it appears the wicked Zionists opponent is actually the Creator himself and the Zionists are trying to destroy humanity on earth because the Creator won't bend to their evil extorted demands.

A.Shamed. German April 05, 2012, 05:21 quote

It makes me happy to see some Germans can see the truth, and I hope for more fellow Germans which are ashamed of the German politics and other critics (media i guess) who criticised him for speaking out the the facts. The only difference to Nazi Germany is that these days he does not disappear in a concentration camp for doing so. Or will he? I hope for the sake of the German people that they dont fall for the BS of their "leaders" and media, who should be criticised for criticising him.

911twoofer April 05, 2012, 07:18 quote

Its SO simple if you want to know who the devils are. Watch the demolition of WTC7 - 100 yards long fell in symmetrical free fall along its ENTIRE 100 yard length AND at all four corners simultaneously - not ONE of the 87 steel columns (strong enough to bear the load of 47 stories) resisted the free fall. WTF,,,unless... or was it Silversteins packet of atomic matzoballs he left behind on his desk ! Satanyahu was in the loop as Israeli PM then but Cheney was more importantly seated at NORAD command on 911 making sure the act goes according to plan,