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Ron Paul needs to run as a third party candidate

Published: 19 March, 2012, 20:59

­The 2012 “mainstream” conservative candidates are a group of bumbling twits.  Like twits do, the Republicans harangue loud chants that sounded good 30 years ago, but have dithered in substance.  Today, the GOP front-runners are like ghosts of a bygone era, inefficient at representing Americans.

It is clear to me that the GOP primaries will not go to Ron Paul this year and as a result, President Obama is likely to destroy the GOP in this year’s general election.

Mainly, the conservative wing, has taken up every issue that would ignite anti conservative flames among young voters, minorities, and independents. In two words, Meghan McCain, daughter of Senator John McCain, identified this year’s primary as, “ so lame”.

McCain picks carries on the point saying, "The Republicans need someone to excite younger people, independents, Hispanic voters and the disenfranchised."

As a result, the GOP has decided that Santorum is going to be the fire starter. Santorum decided to wage a war on “our brains” and secondly “her parts”.

He said, those of us trying encouraging people to go to school are “snobs”, and then he decided that woman should NOT use pregnancy protection.

My disgust for this year’s primary is at an all time high.  By the time it is done, I am going to move elsewhere in order to escape the stupidity of Santorum, and Romney.
I cannot take them any longer. 

So this is my solution:  #RunRonRun!!!!! 
I want Ron Paul to run as a third party candidate to stick it to these jackasses for not taking the woes of America seriously. 
Give America a third party so we can get excited about politics again.  #RunRonRun!! 
Take a third party bid!! 

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+10 (10 votes)
Robt K, March 26, 2012, 17:10
Righto.  That is why I said, "after the RNC."
It goes without saying that DR. Paul is being defrauded right and left in the delegate race--there are now so many videos to prove that that I have lost count of them.  As well the REPs want to limit his voice at the RNC if not kill it completely.  They have ostracized themselves in doing this, so...  If he does not get the nod, I say crush the dead elephant and run full throttle between him and Obama.  We need a Lincoln<>Douglas style debate.  Romney loses hands down and Obama has what to stand on?  More wars, destruction of civil liberties (now so many I am losing count of the Amendments under assault, 1st, 4th and 6th, at the very least), raising debt 6 Trillion, DOJ not prosecuting Bankers (MF Global and others), 12,000,000 people unemployed, more sword rattling on Iran, not to mention all of his unkept promises (again a list so long I cannot recall them all).  Romney supports a lot of what Obama wants, also (big gov, no balanced budget, more wars, more military spending, more loss of civil liberties, etc.).  Paul needs to keep his options open as a smart politician that he is.  But when push comes to shove at the RNC I say he should shove--and hard.
Joe (unregistered), March 26, 2012, 00:38
We should give up this idea of the 3rd party gamble which we all BELIEVE will ganer more support. however this is our boundary and playing our best card too early. I've described it as placing all ur eggs in one basket. why should we give up a present growing opportunity for one that WE BELIEVE will be a sure hit?

Ron Paul has stated that he is playing the RNC strategy to the fullest with no intention of running 3rd party. I believe this is wise not to consider such a last resort option until there is literally no other option. it's just poor strategy to do otherwise and quite reckless.

If ur a Ron Paul supporter, u'll focus on helping him achieve the strategy as he has stated and not try to rewrite his strategy for him. You know - "Everyone's an expert till the sh*t hits the fan. that's when they all disappear".

I will say this.. there are tonnes of Ron Paul delegates who are being bound to candidates for the first round of voting in a brokered convention who have been assigned to both romney and santorum. they get to vote their choice in the second round, together with the independents who are almost all RP supporters.

The bottom line is Ron Paul is the most qualified for the job and has the compassion of the common man that the other politicians including Obama seem to lack. If you had doubts about RP's electability.. think again. A Ron Paul nomination is most definately within reach.