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Trends 2012: the good, the really bad and the very ugly

Published: 12 January, 2012, 21:28

­Are you ready for a 2012 that will be “Good” for the well-prepared, really “Bad” for wishful thinkers, and very “Ugly” for the see-nothings and do-nothings – those with their heads in the sand who blindly trust their leaders? A few weeks ago we sent you a recap of the Trends Journal’s “ Top Trends 2011” forecasts. There is very little in today’s headline news that was not ing last year’s Trends...

Comments (10):

al (unregistered), January 14, 2012, 17:31 quote
I am Swiss. What difference does it make for the Swiss people, having Direct Democracy? NADA. ZERO. The Swiss people do not have ANYMORE freedom than the rest of the world. The Swiss have now the highest percentage of migrant population. Switzerland has become highly overpopulated. Most Swiss live in concrete block apartment cells for the rest of their live, before they are moved into state pension institutions. Critics and whistleblowers in Switzerland are not being shot like in some other countries, but they often end up in closed mental institutions, where no one hears them. The Swiss men are FORCED into the army. The Swiss are force-fed iodine, which the governments puts into foods. Kids are forced into state brainwashing (school). Health care is compulsory, superannuation is compulsory, and MANY more things are compulsory. Switzerland is a highly socialist/communist country. Swiss people have the highest wages in the world, yes, but what is it worth in Switzerland? Very little. People have no own houses, land, no sovereignty, but a million taxes and laws. Here you go. Democracy was an invention of the RULING ELITE. Democracy was not created by the sovereign people. Democracy serves the richest few hundred men in the world, because they are smart enough to get the majority always behind them, because the majority of people are stupid, also in Switzerland, and people will always vote for their own shackles....
Democracy is a TRICK. It fakes people power, but it steals their sovereignty. When a majority makes a law, that you must go to the army, or that you must give your children into the "care" of strange government teachers, that is a BREACH of your PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY, a breach of your BIRTHRIGHT. Democracy IS a breach of your human birthright.
No thank you, I lived 3 decades in Switzerland. I KNOW how brutal direct democracy is. I KNOW how brutal the rule of the MAJORITY is. I KNOW how DUMB the majority is and how EASILY they are manipulated by the ELITE's media to vote for what the elite WANTS. 
No, thank you. Democracy is ONE BIG LIE.

Elmo (unregistered), January 16, 2012, 01:03 quote
We have always lived and will always live in a HOPLOCRACY !!!
armen08 (unregistered), January 16, 2012, 07:04 quote
@ Al the Swiss
We cannot live with hopelessness.  I agree with many of your perspectives on various political systems and social orders.  Freedom of man, which is the ultimate goal of history, is dwindling continuously as we yield our destiny to the power of the elites, both local, but more importantly, global. 
Where I worked the company had a motto:  Identifying the problem is half the solution.   Can you focus on the REAL problem and offer us, the beleaguered humanity, a road-map to a better future?  
Caveman, January 18, 2012, 22:39 quote
@ al
Switzerland is very well entrenched into the zio-masonic matrix, which is controlling probably most of the countries on this planet. This fact is obviously limiting our freedoms to a large extend. Understand Mr Schawinski has just been  re-integrated into our official media establishment, also he will help to secure that the future broadcasting/reporting will not be critical of the politics of AIPAC and related powers. Going to the ballot box the Swiss could so far prevent joining the EU and NATO, we can still legally own guns, we can choose between military and community service, everybody still gets 1st class medical care, new and higher taxes have to be accepted by the voters. In which country are you residing al??
CDR, January 19, 2012, 21:47 quote
I cannot see everyone meekly submitting their details in order to access the Internet; I for one will not and, being of the older generation, can live happily without it. I would not use it again until our enemies have been obliterated. Everything else is also part of the elite's desperate plan to take over control of the world and the people. The trend forecast is of course very interesting but it is also full of no-hope, as I can see nothing but misery for years ahead if all these trends happened.
Paul Revere Deux, January 23, 2012, 02:25 quote
The hunger pangs of true freedom are even now being born. Will you continue to sit by idle as your children's future hangs in the balance? Awake AmeriKa,,,awake!
J Flores, January 23, 2012, 12:13 quote
"As I always say, when the money stops goin' to the man on the street, the blood starts flowing down the streets - eh well i keep trying to make that one flow right but its sorta sticky .. don't forget to pick up my latest issue of the trends research journal!  but its not investment advice and i am not an investment broker or consultant ..."
Still i love that guy and he speaks volumes of truth.  I'm glad he's gotten at least a part of his money back from MF ... but it seems that part of that deal is that he stops accusing them of an illegal action ... hmmmm
JPee Morgan silently caves, January 23, 2012, 19:54 quote

PBS David Stockton on Crony


Thank you for the comment!
Atlantis, January 24, 2012, 18:54 quote
Ok, re-read all of this and see how some "announced trends" are just competing or even in opposition with other ones ? Just some rag-bag list ...

What better proof he can't see anything clear. Or, i'd even say : he *doesn't want to*. My advice : just stick to common sense and centuries proven right proverbs, u'd better manage than following a guy being raped a fortune not following basic rules.
tides, January 29, 2012, 05:46 quote
al (unregistered), wrote in #1
I am Swiss. What difference does it make for the Swiss people, having Direct Democracy? NADA. ZERO. The Swiss people do not have ANYMORE freedom than the rest of the world. The Swiss have now the highest percentage of migrant population. Switzerland has become highly overpopulated. Most Swiss live in concrete block apartment cells for the rest of their live, before they are moved into state pension institutions. Critics and whistleblowers in Switzerland are not being shot like in some other countries, but they often end up in closed mental institutions, where no one hears them. The Swiss men are FORCED into the army. The Swiss are force-fed iodine, which the governments puts into foods. Kids are forced into state brainwashing (school). Health care is compulsory, superannuation is compulsory, and MANY more things are compulsory. Switzerland is a highly socialist/communist country. Swiss people have the highest wages in the world, yes, but what is it worth in Switzerland? Very little. People have no own houses, land, no sovereignty, but a million taxes and laws. Here you go. Democracy was an invention of the RULING ELITE. Democracy was not created by the sovereign people. Democracy serves the richest few hundred men in the world, because they are smart enough to get the majority always behind them, because the majority of people are stupid, also in Switzerland, and people will always vote for their own shackles....
Democracy is a TRICK. It fakes people power, but it steals their sovereignty. When a majority makes a law, that you must go to the army, or that you must give your children into the "care" of strange government teachers, that is a BREACH of your PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY, a breach of your BIRTHRIGHT. Democracy IS a breach of your human birthright.
No thank you, I lived 3 decades in Switzerland. I KNOW how brutal direct democracy is. I KNOW how brutal the rule of the MAJORITY is. I KNOW how DUMB the majority is and how EASILY they are manipulated by the ELITE's media to vote for what the elite WANTS. 
No, thank you. Democracy is ONE BIG LIE.

There are 7 billion humans on the planet. How do you propose everyone own their home and have land?