Compass Award literary contest

4 April

On April 4, 1753 Russian Empress Elizabeth abolished the death penalty, which had been in effect throughout Russian history.…

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Peter Carl Faberge

Peter Carl Faberge was a world famous master jeweler and head of the ‘House of Faberge’ in Imperial Russia in the waning days of the Russian Empire.

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Basic facts about Russia: get your Russofacts straight

Russian Federation
142.5 million (UN, 2007)
17,075,400 km²
Christianity, Islam, Buddism, Judaism
59 years (men), 73 years (women)
1 rouble = 100 kopecks
.ru, .su, .rf
Full Name:
Major language:
Major religions:
Life expectancy:
Monetary unit:
Internet domain:
International dialing code: