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Programmes info page

You can get all information about programmes sorting them by DEGREE or COUNTRIES  above.

You can push the DEGREE button then appear 3 degrees: diploma, bachelor's and master's degree. If you choose one of them in the lists below you will see countries, colleges, fields and courses, which are connected with this degree type. Then if you choose some country in the list country, in the right list will appear our partner-institutions,which are connected with this country. Following this way you can also choose field, which is connected with one of the colleges and course, which is connected with one of the fields. Above all time you will see different articles. There is shown text about the country in the step, when you choose country. You see text about college, when you choose college and article about course will appear after choosing course.

If you push the COUNTRY button the mechanism will be the same. But in the beginning above you will choose not degree type but some country. And in lists you will see,first of all institutions, which are connected with this country, then degree types, which you can get in this college and then again field and course list.

To return the list to it's default values simply click the RESET list  button. After this action in list you will see all countries, institutions, fields and courses.