Big Games of 2011: Atari's The Witcher 2 Gets Nude Calendar

Witcher Gonna Do With All That Junk?

Atari's The Witcher 2 hits stores on May 17 exclusively on the PC, and some areas of the world are taking the promotion to the next level. Sure, here in the United States, players who purchase the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Collector's Edition will get a bust, some playing cards, DLC and various other trinkets lucky gamers over in Russia are getting someting more, well, a little more risque.

Not to be outdone by Poland, who had a virtual version of Triss Merigold appear on the cover of Polish Playboy, the Russian publisher of The Witcher 2 is making a nude calendar featuring model Klodi Monsoon as Triss Merigold and appearing alongside her is Geralt adorned in his full armor. Those who pick up the game in Russia will also receive the calendar as a bonus. 

All right Russia, you win this round. Check out some shots of the photoshoot below.








