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Editor's Picks

Data Points: Social Commentary Which TV shows are getting the most mention on Twitter? Below, SocialGuide Intelligence's snapshot taken over two days in February
New iPad's Perk for Publishers Apple takes a page from the Nook and Amazon Kindle
Ad of the Day: Axe BBH's new Axe man already has the girl, but now he has to keep her happy
The Spot: Fish Out of Water A sustainable sushi restaurant crafts a sweeping meditation in miniature on the tragedy of today's fishing practices
The Problem With Online Advertising Is That There Are So Many Problems serves as a microcosm of the industry's many ills
Six Questions: Charlie Horsey MKTG INC's president and CEO suggests drinks at his office and other experiences
Social Discovery Apps Strike Out at SXSW Why there wasn't a breakout app at this year's SXSW

Oreo 100th Birthday

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