Welcome to Morgan PR - Creating Reputations

Public Relations, Newbury, Nigel Morgan

Welcome to the Morgan PR website! Here we reveal the myriad ways we create reputations.

We are delighted you have found our comprehensive website and that you find it as easy to navigate as we intended. Something we know a public relations experts who increasingly work on the web, is that Google adores comprehensive and regularly updated websites. Just like this one!

Use the menu across the top of this page to find what you are looking for - unless of course you already found it via Google and now just want to know more about us! Also do take time to look at our blog - it has been running since 2006 and is a great reflection of our approach to helping companies achieve great things through the foundation of remarkable PR.

Morgan PR was founded in 2002 by Nigel Morgan, who has a wealth of experience in all sectors of the media spanning 25 years. The company was incorporated in 2007 and VAT registered the same year. You can learn more about Nigel Morgan and our growing number of associates on their respective pages.

Of course, we would never be arrogant enough to believe this website would answer all your questions, which is why we love to chat to people too. You can call us using the number at the top of this page, or if you prefer you can email us.