Lucio Dalla - Attenti Al Lupo

10/2012 start
11/2012 end
01 charts
02 total wks
25 peak
01 wks on peak
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The song Attenti Al Lupo by Lucio Dalla has been listed for 2 weeks on the Swiss Singles Top 75. It entered the chart on position 66 on week 10/2012, it's last appearance was on week 11/2012. It peaked on number 25, where it stayed for 1 week. Below you'll find the exact numbers and statistics.

Song Performance:

Wks on
Wks on
Chart Trajectory Swiss Singles Top 75 10/2012 662512-11/2012

Other songs by Lucio Dalla (4):

stats: reach: 11/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 42; weeks: 1
3L'anno Che Verrà
stats: reach: 11/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 54; weeks: 1
2Caruso Music Video
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 16; weeks: 3
4Puoi Sentirmi?
stats: reach: 43/2009 - 46/2009; peak pos: 30; weeks: 4

Albums by Lucio Dalla (21):

112000 Lune 12000 Lune
stats: reach: 40/2006 - 47/2012; peak pos: 1; weeks: 78
2Angoli Nel Cielo
stats: reach: 45/2009 - 10/2012; peak pos: 18; weeks: 13
stats: reach: 11/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 69; weeks: 1
4Banana Republic Banana Republic (Lucio Dalla and Francesco De Gregori)
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 16/2012; peak pos: 27; weeks: 8
5Cambio Cambio
stats: reach: 10/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 76; weeks: 2
6Canzoni Canzoni
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 10/2012; peak pos: 56; weeks: 2
7Caro Amico Ti Scrivo.. Caro Amico Ti Scrivo..
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 47/2012; peak pos: 3; weeks: 43
8Come E' Profondo Il Mare Come E' Profondo Il Mare
stats: reach: 11/2012 - 12/2012; peak pos: 65; weeks: 2
9Dalla Dalla
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 15/2012; peak pos: 43; weeks: 7
10Dallamericaruso Dallamericaruso
stats: reach: 37/2009 - 20/2012; peak pos: 4; weeks: 15
11Dallamorandi Dallamorandi (Lucio Dalla and Gianni Morandi)
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 13/2012; peak pos: 48; weeks: 5
12Gli Album Originali Gli Album Originali
stats: reach: 21/2010 - 21/2010; peak pos: 78; weeks: 1
13Gli Anni 70 Gli Anni 70
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 46; weeks: 3
14Il Contrario Di Me Il Contrario Di Me
stats: reach: 26/2007 - 46/2007; peak pos: 8; weeks: 19
15La Neve Con La Luna La Neve Con La Luna
stats: reach: 04/2008 - 12/2012; peak pos: 26; weeks: 8
16Lucio Dalla Lucio Dalla
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 15/2012; peak pos: 33; weeks: 7
17Lucio Dalla - Successi Emozioni E Magia Lucio Dalla - Successi Emozioni E Magia
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 09/2012; peak pos: 71; weeks: 1
18Questo E' Amore Questo E' Amore
stats: reach: 45/2011 - 14/2012; peak pos: 9; weeks: 15
19Qui Dove Il Mare Luccica
stats: reach: 48/2012 - 48/2012; peak pos: 19; weeks: 1
20The Best Of Lucio Dalla The Best Of Lucio Dalla
stats: reach: 09/2012 - 11/2012; peak pos: 12; weeks: 6
21Work In Progress (Lucio Dalla and Francesco De Gregori)
stats: reach: 46/2010 - 47/2012; peak pos: 4; weeks: 62