Train Man

2005, Movie, NR, 105 mins

Train Man
The sweet, goofy story of the "train man" — a shy nerd whose fumbling first romance is monitored by a community of online backseat drivers — became a phenomenon in Japan. Supposedly based on a true story, it became first a book, then a manga, then this movie and, finally, a television series. The title character (Takayuki Yamada) is a 22-year-old virgin who lives online, except when he ventures out to buy comic books and anime figurines. He's lonely but has no idea what to do about it; the thought of even talking to a girl is utterly foreign to him, and they in turn look right past him. And then fate steps in: He's taking the train home and impulsively stan...
Released: 2005 Rated: NR Length: 105 mins
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