The Lorax

2012, Movie, PG, 0 mins

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax is a rollicking tale that’s aesthetically pleasing, thanks to its vivid pastoral visuals and pro-environmental, anti-greed message wrapped in a bright package of dazzling colors. The movie is based on the children's book of the same name, and is the fourth feature film based on a book by Seuss and the first to be released in 3D. Director Chris Renaud, who stuck to the adaptation playbook first set by 2008’s Horton Hears a Who, infuses the movie with a particular brand of giddy humor in the vein of his prior work, Despicable Me. With The Lorax, he finds a way to broaden Seuss’ environmental cautionary tale without stray...
Released: 2012 Rated: PG Length: n/a
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