History Timeline

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Early Settlements 1585-1662
Ralph Lane Colony 1585
John White Colony 1587
Brave New World 1607
In Search of Land 1609
The Catawbans 1640
Carolina's 1st Settler 1654
Proprietary Colony 1663-1729
Rural Beginnings 1730-1772
Rural Rebellion 1773-1775
Revolutionary War 1776-1781
Nation: America 1782-1819
Antebellum Days 1820-1852
Rural No More 1853-1860
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865
Reconstruction 1866-1878
Industrial South 1879-1913
World War I 1914-1918
Roaring Twenties 1919-1928
Great Depression 1929-1939
Before the Storm 1940-1941
World War II 1941-1945
Modern Era Begins 1946-1959
Turbulent Times 1960-1979
80s Charlotte 1980-1989
90s Charlotte 1990-1999
Time Period >>  Early Settlements  1585 - 1662

The coast of North Carolina is the site of several attempts at colonization by the French, the Spanish and eventually England. However, it is not until after the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, that English colonists began exploring North Carolina in search of fertile farmland and eventually establish permanent homes in the Albemarle Sound Region, the eastern part of present day North Carolina.

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