Prof. Hall
Department of Physics


NS4: Science and Nonsense


Required Reading:


Just what is a subluxation? Veteran medical reporters Paul Benedetti and Wayne MacPhail try to find out.

Is chiropractic really an effective treatment for lower pain? This peer reviewed study comparing physical therapy, chiropractic and control group says no (see third paragraph titled "conclusion"). 

Note that there is very little research available to access the effectiveness of chiropractic even though it has been around for 100 years. Why?

The American Chiropractic Association's web site has these resources on research supportive of chiropractic

Question: Is customer satisfaction a reliable gauge of the effectiveness of any heath treatment? Why or why not??

Check out the ACA's rebuttal to the Scientific American Frontiers program segment. Question: Is the central issue addressed? E.g, is there evidence that supports the central tenant of chiropractic- the existence of the subluxation?

Here is the reply from the show's producer, and a reply from the interviewed medical doctors David Ramey, D.V.M (definitely read this rebuttal) and Dr. Robert S. Baratz.


Further reading:

Chirobase: an extensive database on chiropractic operated by three who feel chiropractic is mostly pseudoscience, Stephen Barrett, M.D., William T. Jarvis, Ph.D. and Charles E. DuVall Jr., D.C. 

Dr. Barrett decided to see for himself if chiropractors had the same diagnosis for a given patient and found major discrepancies.

Please also read the Skeptic's Dictionary entries on chiropractic and alternative health practices in general.