Regional Conference "Balkan, Media and Culture - Time for Change"

15 April 2010  The regional conference “Balkan, Media and Culture - Time for Change” will be held on April 20, 2010 at the Kaproš hotel in Skopje, as part of the three-year project “Balkan Initiative for Cultural Cooperation, Exchange and Development" - BICCED, which will be implemented by the Balkan Investigative Regional Reporting Network and its partners, and funded by the Swiss Cultural Programme in the Western Balkans (SCP).Read more

BIRN Organises Media Training for War Crimes Reporting

23 May 2007  BIRN and the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, ICTY, last month organised two seminars on reporting about the work of the ICTY for journalists from Kosovo and Macedonia in Pristina and Skopje.Read more

Kумановско семејство од стечаен очај до успешни агро-претприемачи

30 November 2006  Со ИФАД кумановско семејство го развива бизнисот и ја проширува краварската фарма

Од Маја Бајалска ( 30 Ноември, 2006)Read more

BIRN Macedonia Trainees Complete "Success Stories" Workshop

28 November 2006  Eight young journalists from print and broadcast media in Macedonia attended a workshop organised by the Office of Public Affairs of the US Embassy and BIRN Macedonia, aimed at encouraging media to include more features and positive stories in their output.

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И бездомните кучиња стануваат галеничиња

28 November 2006  Низ улиците на Скопје талкаат околу 12.000 кучиња-скитници, кои моментно не се згрижени во ниедна институција. Сепак, иако не се расни и нив некој ги сака

Од Даница Тунтевска ( 28 Ноември, 2006)
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Печени костени, белег на Скопје

24 November 2006  Мирисот од тезгата на чичко Рефик 32 години ги крепи минувачите

Од Ана Антевска ( 24 Ноември 2006)Read more

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BIRN Macedonia Reporting EU Integration - Journalism Training Project

BIRN Macedonia began in November 2005 a six-month project to train local journalists from throughout the country to investigate, analyse and report issues key to the country’s integration into the European Union and NATO.

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BIRN Macedonia Strategy

As well as participating in BIRN's cross-regional projects, BIRN Macedonia, an independent non-governmental organisation, runs locally-relevant programmes, responding to media and wider societal needs.

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