All About drokmore

  • 21Sep 11

    Vacation - Turkey and Greece

    My wife and I have been traveling through Turkey and Greece on a second honeymoon type expedition. We flew in through Istanbul which is an amazing city. Great food, interesting sites and just HUGE! Of course we don't speak any Turkish and nothing like our airline to lose are luggage for a day. So nothing on my back but dirty clothes after 24 hours of travel. Luckily we had a friend in Istanbul to yell at the airlines in Turkish and find our luggage 24 hours later.

    Turkish keyboards are hard as heck to type on for the English speaker. Now typing on a Greek keyboard looks to be much easier. Looks like in the mean time my sidekick bracket is a complete loss, lol, oh well its always fun.

    Off to more beaches, sun, food and drink.

  • 18Sep 11

    TGS Puzzle Activity

    Heres my puzzle:

    • Posted Sep 18, 2011 1:48 pm GMT
    • Category: General
  • 18Sep 11

    My JRPG - Billy Bobs Revenge

    For the TGS Activity here is my blog: Billy Bobs Revenge

    For once there will be no wimpy starting character. Billy Bob is a army ranger overseas. On a scouting mission he encounters a strange cave. While exploring the cave suddenly goes dark and he falls asleep. He awakes in the same cave; however, when he leaves the cave he is in a whole new world. Ya nothing special but you gotta get a ranger back in time some how and a hot tub has been used before...

    Starting game stats:

    Level 10 (Hes a ranger after all)

    Ownage (aka str)- 10

    Pimping skills (aka charisma) - 3 (hes a redneck after all),

    Magic Skills none (hes a brute lets be honest)

    Speed - 8 (The guy was defensıve end for Nebraska and hada great 40)

    He wanders into what looks like an old japanese village. Surprisingly they speak English (as this game would suck with subtitles). He meets the local kung fu fıghter Pa Nage. He tells him that the village has been cursed and his presence has just solidified this. Billy Bob honestly doesnt care. But Pa Nage says that if he finds the source the local witch doctor may be able to send him home.

    And thus the questing begins. He busts out some serious hand to hand skills and becomes stronger and stronger as he climbs the mountain. Pa Nage fights at hıs sıde early on to get him started. Each level gets him closer to the top. Pa Nage is amazed he can do it and leaves him after level 3. But things get harder.

    In level 4 he meets the chiefs daughter Ho Tchıck. If one upgrades their pimping skills she joins him in the fight. As they climb together he upgrades his hand to hand ownage skills. He never learns magic, hes just a brute. The fınal boss turns out to be the witch doctor. He has a choice: go home or kill the witch doc and save the village. As noted he doesnt care, but he also realizes his job huffing it through desserts sucked even worse. If he has maxed his pimping skills Ho Tchick falls in love with him. So he decides to kill the witch doc and save the village. This proves challenging as remember he has no magic skills..

    However, when he returns to the village Pa Nage, really was the one cursing the village. He must fight him to the death...

    Whats so great about this rpg. The main character isnt some wimpy spikey haired teenager that crys every few cutscenes. He rips things apart with his hands. Furthermore, this isnt the archetypal long lost prince that comes of age, but more of an Evil Dead 2, "Hail to the King Baby" kinda rpg. This should also be played on the XBOX360 or PS3 as the casuals on the Wiicould not fathom this story, sorry Nintendo...

    There we go, cheers GS

    • Posted Sep 18, 2011 1:37 pm GMT
    • Category: Editorial

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