Why I should have the CEO’s Facebook log-in credential. Now

By | March 12, 2012, 1:49pm PDT

Summary: I’ve been thinking about the absurdity of employers demanding Facebook log-in credentials during job interviews, and how it might look flipped on its head. You know, we all have interests to protect.

So I’m thinking I need to ask my CEO for his Facebook log-in.

He makes such important decisions for this company, a place I really like to work. Who knows what Facebook might reveal about his personality, habits and daredevil exploits? I mean how many jobs, careers and family incomes are riding on it?

And I also better ask for the log-in to his wife’s Facebook page. I wonder if she really wants to move the family to a more attractive city? That could impact me at some point.

It would probably also make sense to get the Facebook log-ins of our board members; they also make a lot of important decisions. I wonder if any of them are blowing off steam about the restrictions laid out by their HOAs or that sewer pipe project near the neighborhood park or something that could trigger a meltdown?

I really need them to help advise this company, I mean I’ve got a kid off to college in the next few years. I’ve got interests to protect.

I guess I could pay to do some background checks on these people, seeing how concerned I am, but that would cost a lot of money and time. And people might get the wrong idea.

Come to think of it, I better get the Facebook log-in for the CFO. I need to know he’s responsible. Right? I think he drives a pretty nice car. Where did he come up with the money?

And what about that guy running human resources. I need to ask him for his Facebook log-in. I’d like to see what Facebook apps he uses. They could be real telling if he’ll treat me fair or not. What if we’re not in the same political party?

What if he’s a pal with my direct boss? Maybe they go back to their college days. I’d like to examine that photo album.  What if I had a dispute with my boss?  That could work against me. I might have to turn to litigation, right?

Matter of fact, that mid-level manager over in operations, I need his Facebook log-in. I hope that guy is trustworthy because he can likely see what I store on the network. What if he posted a picture of himself standing next to a guy in a black hat. Maybe they are reading my email or my instant messages.

And I better get the Facebook log-ins from the IT guys. Wikipedia says these guys can sometimes be known as real geeks. I’d like to see what they do with their free time. I might not think it is so cool.

Come to think of it, Fred in the next cube, he’s always on Facebook. I should get his log-in. Maybe I’ll learn something about the perpetual cough he seems to have. His proximity to me could influence my physical and mental health. That would not be good for my long-term employment. Or my quality home life, where we practice good digital hygiene by sharing our Facebook log-ins.

Professional and personal relationships can be painful. It’s comforting to know Facebook is there for me.

Hey, is that a black helicopter outside my window…

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John Fontana is a journalist focusing in identity, privacy and security issues. Currently, he is the Identity Evangelist for cloud identity security vendor Ping Identity, where he blogs about relevant issues related to digital identity.


John Fontana

First and foremost, John is employed as an Identity Evangelist by Ping Identity, which provides cloud identity security software to enterprises and cloud service providers. In his role, he tracks the identity industry and relevant issues. He does not have financial interests in any companies he covers, and opinions expressed are his own.


John Fontana

John Fontana is a journalist focusing in identity, privacy and security issues. Currently, he is the Identity Evangelist for cloud identity security vendor Ping Identity, where he blogs about relevant issues related to digital identity. Prior to Ping, John spent 15 years as a senior reporter for a variety of publications, including Communications Week, Internet Week and Network World, where he focused on enterprise topics including collaboration, directories, network infrastructure, databases, open source, ERP and security. He covered IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Red Hat, Google among other enterprise vendors. His work has also appeared in the New York Times, CNN, CIO and Mashable.

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Three excellent responses to a silly proposition.
Churlish Updated - 1 day ago
...Yet how many leftist college professors and students can't grasp these simple concepts?

My advice for a healthier economy and more self-sufficient citizens: make college students read Ayn Rand rather than Karl Marx.
-1 Votes
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I was just thinking the other day, if all the adults in the country had $1,000,000 that would solve everything right?

If we estimate 120 million adults in the USA, giving them all $1 million would only be $12 trillion. Just taking the billions (and billions) from the list of 1,210 billionaires from Forbes' list would put us over half-way there. The rest could be made up from the millionaires in the room.

There, now someone has brought it out in the open. 4 years from now it will be the platform of a Democrat presidential candidate, mark my words...
1 Vote
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A.Sinic Updated - 1 day ago
OK, I'll bite.

If everyone has so much money, but nothing more gets made or grown, congratulations you just made money virtually worthless. It's only worth something because it represents effort and resources. Take away that link and it isn't money any more.
1 Vote
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Yup . . .
CobraA1 1 day ago
Yup. Guess what? Everybody may have have a million dollars, but a loaf of bread now costs $10,000, because everybody can afford to buy it at that price.

It really wouldn't solve a single problem, because the sellers would just adjust their prices to accommodate the now far richer population.

And oh, yeah, unemployment would skyrocket because employers wouldn't be able to afford the new higher paychecks that people would need to live in the new economy. We'd basically become a third world country.
out and in 5 years, most of it would wind right back up where it is now.
0 Votes
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...Yet how many leftist college professors and students can't grasp these simple concepts?

My advice for a healthier economy and more self-sufficient citizens: make college students read Ayn Rand rather than Karl Marx.

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