Between the Lines

Larry Dignan, Andrew Nusca and Rachel King

Intel wants in on web-based TV market? WSJ says yes

By | March 12, 2012, 1:58pm PDT

Summary: The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Intel is developing an Internet-based TV service for U.S. consumers.

It would seem lately that just about every big name in technology is looking into Internet-connected TV platforms in one form or another, from rumors about a new video-on-demand service from Verizon to endless talk about the expansion of Apple TV.

The latest player trying to make a name for itself in this space is Intel. The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that the chip maker is developing an Internet-based TV service for U.S. consumers.

The Silicon Valley company has for several months been pitching media companies on a plan to create a “virtual cable operator,” which would offer their U.S. TV channels nationwide over the Internet in a bundle similar to subscriptions sold by cable- and satellite-TV operators, according to people familiar with the effort. Intel wouldn’t provide Internet access, which subscribers would obtain separately.

This sounds like it has the potential to give consumers not only more choices when it comes to picking a cable provider, but also more control over the content they’re buying. There has been more debate recently about letting consumers pick and choose their cable channels, à la carte style, rather than being forced to pay $50-$100 a month for dozens of channels you’ll never watch. Could Intel finally answer this wish?

Possibly, but that’s going to take considerable time and negotiation. As for the nitty-gritty details, obviously this platform would run on Intel hardware, but what that hardware will look like is still quite a mystery with the exception of being described as a “set-top box.”

If this turns out to be true and all goes well for Intel, we could be seeing this platform emerge before the end of the year.


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Rachel King is a staff writer for ZDNet based in San Francisco.


Rachel King

Rachel King has no business relationships, affiliations, investments, or other potential conflicts of interest relating to the content posted in this blog.


Rachel King

Rachel King is a staff writer for CBS Interactive in San Francisco. Before serving as a contributing editor at ZDNet in New York City for two years, she previously worked for The Business Insider,, CNN's San Francisco bureau and the U.S. Department of State. Rachel has also written for, Irish America Magazine and the New York Daily News, among others. Rachel has a B.A. in Mass Communications and History from the University of California, Berkeley and a M.S. in Journalism from Columbia University, where she served as art director for the student magazine, Plated.

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What I'm most excited about ...
P. Douglas Updated - 3 days ago
... is Xbox Live. What I'd love to see on the platform, is a framework created for artists, in which each one is able create his / her own, slick user experience. An artist would be able to include pictures, videos, music tracks, and other content in his / her user experience. The artists' user experience could then be networked with other user experiences from other artists. E.g. the top 24 on an American Idol season could each be given a Xbox Live experience. They could then opt in to be included in an American Idol alumni network, where the artists' fans could hop between the artists' experiences, watch music videos, documentaries / shows put on individually or together by those in the network, listen to a radio channel made up primarily of songs from artists in the network, etc. Fans of the artists could subscribe to the network, and purchase items in the artists' experiences.

The above model could be extended to TV shows, comedians, and other groups of artists. I think the above would be fantastic, and it would tremendously even out the playing field in the entertainment industry, while providing more diversity and options in entertainment.
0 Votes
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It is getting interesting
D.T.Long 3 days ago
Here is another one. The more the merrier.
0 Votes
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Zurk_Orkin 3 days ago
We'll have to wait for the premiers to run before realizing that sports and movie channels will continue to be more expensive upgrades.
provider. And most have no other physical connection to their house. Powerline and telephone line wont cut it. Another big problem for Intel was they tried this before and they picked yhoo as their big partner which was a horrible mistake that should have cost someone their job. Get with MS and the tv oems and do something to get inside the tv instead of on top of it.
-1 Votes
+ -
What I'm most excited about ...
P. Douglas Updated - 3 days ago
... is Xbox Live. What I'd love to see on the platform, is a framework created for artists, in which each one is able create his / her own, slick user experience. An artist would be able to include pictures, videos, music tracks, and other content in his / her user experience. The artists' user experience could then be networked with other user experiences from other artists. E.g. the top 24 on an American Idol season could each be given a Xbox Live experience. They could then opt in to be included in an American Idol alumni network, where the artists' fans could hop between the artists' experiences, watch music videos, documentaries / shows put on individually or together by those in the network, listen to a radio channel made up primarily of songs from artists in the network, etc. Fans of the artists could subscribe to the network, and purchase items in the artists' experiences.

The above model could be extended to TV shows, comedians, and other groups of artists. I think the above would be fantastic, and it would tremendously even out the playing field in the entertainment industry, while providing more diversity and options in entertainment.

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