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29 June 2009 @ 08:48 pm
I've had these for awhile and keep forgetting to post them, but hey, I finally remembered. Anyway, here are some icons from screencaps of the MUA2 trailer. Enjoy!


1. 2. 3.

Deadpool is awesome - 26 icons )

I'm Looking: sleepysleepy
The latest Marvel/DC video filled me with so much glee. Canon!Wade is doing to Movie!Wade exactly what I want to do to him (or the FOX execs, really). HEE. So of course I had to take a break and make some icons of this gloriousness.


1. 2. 3.

HELLS YEAH, WADE. - 28 icons )

Take, squeal at, enjoy, CREDIT.

I'm Looking: nerdynerdy
OK, y'all, everyone knows what a crazy Deadpool fan I am, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that I had to skip forward over a bunch of the Marvel/DC videos to immediately iconize the newest one, which FEATURES DEADPOOL (yay). So now, I present iconizations of the debut of Deadpool in the Marvel/DC vids!

(P.S. Hope the immense number of animated icons doesn't make you dizzy - Deadpool lends himself to animated icon-making. Heh.)


1. 2. 3.

Deadpool! Wins! - 37 icons )

Take, use, poke, CREDIT!
I'm Looking: bouncybouncy
Yet another batch of icons from ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's Marvel/DC parodies! Whee!


1. 2. 3.

Go ahead, wiki it! - 34 icons )

Have, hold, use, CREDIT. :)

I'm Looking: pleasedpleased
Look, despite my well documented misgivings over the weird changes they've made to Deadpool for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, they did a damn good job on the recent Wade Wilson profile trailer MTV posted, and it's got some fun imagery, too (to see all 5 profiles, which are neat, start here, and it should load each one consecutively). So of course I had to make icons!


1. 2. 3.

Wade Wilson loves his job - 24 icons! )

Take, ogle, pet, CREDIT. Enjoy!

I'm Looking: cheerfulcheerful
I've been meaning to post these forever, but I kept forgetting. Just a quick batch of House and Supernatural icons I whipped up.


1. 2. 3.

Warning: Attractive men behind the cut - 24 icons )

Take, use, squish, enjoy, CREDIT. Thanks! :)

I'm Looking: thoughtfulthoughtful
02 April 2009 @ 12:50 am
So way back in the day, Marvel did a series of cybercomics with Flash, including a Deadpool one, written by Joe Kelly. Sadly, I can't find the flash comic ANYwhere, but fortunately, the awesome guy over at UltimateDeadpool[dot]com uploaded a good number of the images at some point. And thus, you all get icons! (All scans from the Ultimate Deadpool site, except the two color ones where Deadpool's shooting.)


1. 2. 3.

Moar Cyber-Deadpool - 26 icons! )

BTW, I realize all of these are textless - if anyone has a particular text request, feel free to let me know and I will make you text-y icons.

Enjoy! And please credit. Credit = Deadpoolian love.

I'm Looking: chipperchipper
02 March 2009 @ 03:34 am
For some reason I only posted this to my journal and forgot to post it here. Doh!

So anyway, [info]addygryff and I worked on this for a twelvemonth (well, ok, not quite, but I really like to use "twelvemonth" in sentences), until it just couldn't get any cooler. So now, I (we) proudly present:

The Cable & Deadpool Mood Theme


Happy: Sad: Angry:

It is a thing of beauty, isn't it? *hugs it*

Use, polish, ogle, CREDIT. Thanks!

I'm Looking: accomplishedaccomplished
24 February 2009 @ 07:22 pm
The other day, I found this ad for a really cool-looking Iron Man t-shirt - but try as I might, I couldn't find the shirt anywhere online. So instead, I decided to...photograph and iconize it! Really I just meant to make a few icons, but after creating the base I was just having too much fun making different variations, and couldn't stop.


1. 2. 3.

All the Iron Man icons your little heart could desire - 42 icons )

To have, to hold, to link, and to enjoy. (With credit! Thanks!)

I'm Looking: hungryhungry
More icons from ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's Marvel/DC parodies! Hurrah!


1. 2. 3.

click! click! )

Laugh, take, have, CREDIT. Thanks.

I'm Looking: amusedamused
Sounds for Sights: Rascal Flatts - Feels Like Today