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Inuyasha Series

Anime Reader Review

From Vikki

Love anime? Why not write a review? Here's the latest from our anime readers, this one from Vikki on Inuyasha.

Inuyasha is a show for all you people who love thrillers and historic fiction. Its a blood pumping show that has fights, romance, name calling, sarcasm and all around fun.

Its about a 15 year old girl(kagoume) who falls in a well that is a time portal to fudal Japan. There she meets Inuyasha (who is a half dog demon), Songo (a demon killer), Meroku(a monk) and Shippo(a fox demon). They go to find shards of the shikon jewel (the shikon no tama). If this jewel (or even shards) falls in the wrong hands (which it often does)it means disaster.

This show has good pictures. Its on YTV at 10pm its the perfect show if you're looking for adrenaline!!!!

p.s. in my opinion Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru is hooootttt!!!!

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