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The Galaxy Railways

Anime Sneak Peek

From , former About.com Guide

Updated August 22, 2005
In the future, mankind will venture to the far reaches of the cosmos using technologically advanced trains. The fleet of the Galaxy Railways transports countless galactic citizens from one exotic planet to the next, protected by the SDF, the elite force protecting the Railways Fleet against terrorists, meteor storms and malicious alien life.

This is Galaxy Railways, a new sci-fi adventure from FUNimation. Our main character, Manabu Yuuki has always had big dreams of joining the SDF (Space Defense Force), following in the footsteps of his father and brother before him. Unfortunately, Mom is fed up with losing her family to the great space beyond and does what she can to deter him from following his dream.

Determined, Manabu has but one vision and boards the train to Destiny Station. And the adventure begins...

The Galaxy Railways is a fun and exciting adventure into the outer realms of space. Kicking off with a bang, the first episode, Sacrifice gives us a taste of the adverse space personalities that await. Definitely worth a watch, especially if for those of you with an affection for the final frontier.

The Galaxy Railways hit your favorite DVD shelves on July 19th with five full episodes on the first DVD, Station One: Ahead Full! To watch the trailer, visit FUNimation's official Galaxy Railways website.

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