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School Rumble

New Anime from FUNimation

From , former About.com Guide

School Rumble - Photo Courtesy of FUNimation

School Rumble - Photo Courtesy of FUNimation

Jul 2 2007
Ah, high school. Those crazy days of fitting in, making the grade and of course, your first love. But when the object of your affection doesn't know you exist, what can you do? If you're Tenma, you'll do everything you can to get his attention, even if it means stepping way outside of your comfort zone. But while Tenma's trying to win the heart of her secret love, someone else has eyes for Tenma. If only she weren't so busy with her ploys to catch that special someone's attention, she might have time to notice someone else is trying to get hers!

And if that doesn't sound crazy enough, imagine what happens when the friends of these three lovebirds decide to get involved!

Based on the original manga by Jin Kobayashi, School Rumble is a fun and heartwarming reminder of your first love and the ridiculous things you did because of it. Rated 13+ for teens, School Rumble is a must-have addition to your shojo anime collection and since its due to release on August 21, 2007, it will make the perfect back-to-school accessory.

To catch a little School Rumble preview, check out the trailer at FUNimation's official School Rumble website.

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