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Archo unveils Android 4.0 tablet for kids

Mat Bettinson
Archo unveils Android 4.0 tablet for kids

For parents unwilling to hand an expensive high-end tablet to their offspring, Archos have unveiled the 7-inch ChildPad with a child-friendly design and price tag.

The ChildPad offers modest specifications of a 1GHz processor and the official Android Marketplace isn't supported but rather the ChildPad has a dedicated "Kids App Store" using the third party AppsLib engine.

Despite that, the ChildPad will run Android 4.0 where the latest Google OS feature of desktop folders will be used to pre-organise apps into large colourful icons on the front screen. 

"We realise the importance of providing a tablet that can offer hours of entertainment for all ages, especially kids," said Archos boss Henri Crohas.

Parental controls will also be included as well as a web filter. The device has only been given a US price tag of $129 so far and is due for release in April.

"We expect this tablet to bring a smile to the faces of kids and parents' everywhere," said Crohas.


Tags: android, tablets, archos

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