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Sukhoi tests new fighter

Published: Jan. 19, 2012 at 11:48 AM

MOSCOW, Jan. 19 (UPI) -- Russian aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi has flight tested its Serial Three Su-35S Flanker-E multipurpose jet fighter for the first time.

During the test Tuesday, which lasted more than two hours, the aircraft's propulsion and control systems were put through their paces and "proved to be flawless," the company said.

Additional details on the initial flight test have not been disclosed.

The Su-35S is based on the earlier Su-27 but with an improved airframe, two central digital computers, advanced avionics and new radar with phased array antennas.

The closest competitor aircraft to the Su-27, which was introduced into service in 1988, is the U.S. F-15 Eagle.

With increased fuel capacity, the range of the Su-35S is more than 2,200 miles.

The maximum speed at altitude is about 1,400 mph. Its ceiling is 59,000 feet.

Sukhoi said the Su-35S can detect aircraft out to a range of nearly 250 miles, farther than that of other combat aircraft.

The Generation 4++ fighter's radar can reportedly track simultaneously 30 aerial targets and engage eight as well as track four ground targets and engage two.

Weaponry carried by the Su-35 include a 30mm cannon, laser-guided and unguided bombs, anti-radar missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and missiles for use against maritime targets.

With reduced protruding sensors and application to the fuselage of special coatings, the Flanker-E has a reduced radar signature.

The first two Su-35S planes (Serial One and Serial Two) were delivered to a Russian government testing center in August and have already performed more than 400 test flights.

The testing has involved propulsion, aircraft maneuverability, stability and control, as well as functioning of the aircraft navigation system.

Sukhoi projects the service life of the aircraft as 6,000 flight hours and a planned operational life of 30 years.

Potential export customers of the SU-35 aircraft are said to include China, India, Malaysia, Brazil and Indonesia.

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