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Firm confirms Pakistani gas pipeline work

Published: March. 6, 2012 at 8:08 AM

STUTTGART, Germany, March 6 (UPI) -- A German engineering company confirmed it landed a consulting contract for the Pakistani section of a natural gas pipeline from Iran.

Pakistani media this week reported that Islamabad offered Germany company ILF Consulting Engineering a $250 million contract for part of a natural gas pipeline from Iran.

"Our company has a consulting contract for the Pakistani section of the project," a spokesman for ILF told United Press International in response to an e-mail query. The spokesman added the company wasn't offered nor had it signed a contract for pipeline construction.

Iran has pushed for the natural gas pipeline from its South Pars field in the Persian Gulf since the 1990s. Islamabad has expressed keen interest in the project, along with a rival natural gas pipeline from Turkmenistan, because of a lingering energy crisis.

Washington prefers the Turkmenistan option because of the economic benefits Iran would receive from its pipeline. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told lawmakers there would be "consequences" if Pakistan went ahead with the Iranian option.

ILF said it wasn't able to comment on Clinton's warning.

Topics: Hillary Clinton
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