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China's role
When the economy tanked in 2008, many top-flight economists said, "that's OK, we'll just do business with China until things get better."
Apple's ego
An economist at Harvard said one thing's certain about Apple's effect on the labor market -- it's big.
Discipline in Europe
Twenty-five European Union members signed a fiscal treaty Friday that is intended to impose Germanic discipline on member states.
Gas prices mean what?
A day after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned gas prices would slow spending, two reports indicated the U.S. recovery was still crawling forward.
ECB bails out a bailout
In Europe this week financial leaders are asking themselves, 'What have we done now?'
The drop in durable goods could signal trouble for the recovery
Durable goods orders dropped sharply in January, falling well beyond expectations, the Commerce Department said.
China urged to de-emphasize state-owned businesses as it matures
The U.S. economy may need some fine-tuning, but China's is still in its formative years -- at least that's the wish of many Westerners.
GOP campaign calculating
Negative campaigning in 2012 is going to include accusations on which candidate plans, if elected, to raise U.S. borrowing.
Obama's tax bill
President Obama's corporate tax overhaul proposed announced Wednesday has all the ear markings of a campaign pitch, but it should be taken seriously, anyway.
U.S. tax loopholes allow some highly profitable companies to skate
The U.S. corporate tax code just became the biggest sidebar under jobs for the national election campaign.
Such a deal
Stocks around the globe rose Tuesday on the backs of an agreement forged in Brussels that will avert an all-but immediate Greek default.
Who flinched?
Investors at the end of the day in Europe may be counting the bluffs -- as in who flinched, how often, who blinked and when.
The brilliant scold
Stop the presses! Professor Peter Morici, who might be described as a brilliant scold, warned this week that the U.S. economy might be getting healthier.
Smell the coffee
One wondered how long it would take for Greece leaders to wake up and smell the coffee.
Apple carts
How does one upset the economic apple cart if one is in a hurry to do so?
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Guns N' Roses performs in concert in Miami Beach
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