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    Advocacy and outreach

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    • uitp

    Cities and governments have a crucial role to play today in fostering economic development and wealth creation.
    Public transport needs to be put forward to tackle the urban mobility challenges currently faced by our cities instead of continuing with the construction of new highways and encouraging car use.
    Ambitious and visionary strategies are essential to change radically current mobility patterns. The public transport sector has the competence and ambition to improve the urban environment both for citizens and business, as it already does in number of urban centres. To take up these challenges, the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) is aiming at doubling the market share of public transport worldwide by 2025.
    To make this growth concrete, all stakeholders have to take up their responsibilities to organise the market and provide the appropriate means. Investing in efficient and sustainable transport networks will help stabilise the global energy market; contribute to alleviating the role of transport in climate change and support economic growth as well as quality of life in cities by relieving congestion and offering mobility to all. Public transport means progress for societies.
    This is the right moment for:
    > Operators to boost business development through quality delivery, innovation and entrepreneurship;
    > Governments to recognise public transport as part of the solution, to earmark appropriate resources and to organise the sector judiciously;
    > Cities and local authorities to define ambitious market share objectives and develop sustainable mobility as part of integrated urban policies;
    > Investors to support the real economy and mobility as one of its major drivers;
    > Industry to develop innovative, reliable and cost efficient products and solutions;

    The power to forge together a better mobility for our cities is in our hands!


    Read the full UITP strategy for the public transport sector below.


      Set your ambitions – read concrete examples on how cities are implementing ambitious policies

    Empower the economy
    Help the planet breathe
    Alleviate congestion
    Bring everyone everywhere

      Pick your solutions – discover best practices from your peers around the world and take action

    Develop visionary integrated policies
    Deliver life-style services to become the mode of choice for citizens

    Create a new business culture
    Secure stable funding and investment schemes
    Do not hesitate to use stick-and-carrot tactics



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    In 2007, the public transport community adopted the following vision: [..] public transport is the preferred choice in urban mobility policy decisions in order to guarantee quality of life and the sustainable development of cities and regions worldwide. It provides an attractive alternative to individual transport.” .
    UITP now seeks to show leadership and is putting forward a global framework setting out the main strategic areas needed to empower players and turn this vision into reality.

    • Where available and formally organised, public transport provides safe, sustainable and cost-effective mobility. Beyond this, public transport contributes to sustain economic growth and competitiveness, tackles climate change, fosters social inclusion, stabilises the economy and uses efficiently scarce resources such as energy and space. In a nutshell, today, citizens and cities would be worse off without public transport!
    • This contribution is substantial but it is not enough for a sustainable future! If mobility patterns are not drastically and rapidly changed, uncontrolled urban and mobility growth will generate unbearable adverse effects in cities worldwide. Quality public transport can provide a large part of the answer, but “business as usual” is no longer an option and ambitious strategies have to be launched to trigger a paradigm shift.
    • Tomorrow, more and better public transport is indispensable! The public transport sector has the competence and ambition to enhance the urban environment for citizens and business. Our aim is to double the market share of public transport worldwide by the year 2025 .

    In many parts of the world, public transport is enjoying increased patronage, and networks have reached their full capacity (especially during rush hours). In order accommodate this further increase and to meet the objective of doubling market shares (estimated at tripling patronage), all stakeholders must take up their responsibilities.


    Applying incremental improvements is no longer deemed suitable and an isolated approach does not yield the desired outcome. The proposed step change requires strong cooperation among players around a shared vision and strategy: we can lose individually, but we can only win altogether.
    This paper comprises three parts:

    • WHY IS THE STRATEGY DESIRABLE? provides external stakeholders with the arguments why society should urgently and drastically increase the role of public transport
    • HOW TO REACH THE VISION? provides internal stakeholders with the 5 strategic axis necessary for the desired growth
    • A CALL FOR ACTION appeals to various players all around the world to contribute to the execution of this strategy.

    This paper offers a checklist of all the strategic requirements needed to put in place the ideal conditions for public transport. Stakeholders are free to pick and choose elements, but only the consolidation of all 5 strategic axes will yield the desired impact.

    • This global analysis and ambition reflects the main features common to all regions of the world, and proposes a robust framework, albeit with a certain unavoidable level of abstraction.

    “UITP provides the ingredients and the tools”

    • The various regional specificities must be treated locally and adapted to more specific needs and contexts.

    “Regions choose the tools and cook the dish with ingredients according to their taste”.


    The global village faces the following major problems, and UITP firmly believes that public transport can contribute to solving them.

    Public transport empowers the economy

    As a result of increased globalisation, the economy is undergoing severe readjustments: new poles are emerging (e.g. BRIC) and a shift in bargaining power is taking place. This translates as changes in commodity prices and in disposable income for consumption and generates the current tensions in markets worldwide.
    - What public transport can offer
    Public transport has the potential to contribute to the stabilisation of this turbulence, or at least to softening its effects both on society and citizens. Indeed, a massive shift to public transport and sustainable mobility can help economies based on importation of energy to reduce their dependency and enhance their balance of payments.
    In cities with a high share of public transport, walking and cycling, the cost of transport for the community - expressed as a proportion of the urban GDP - is half that of cities where this share is low. For example, the cost of transport represents more than 12% of the local GDP in Houston or Sydney, but only 6% in Tokyo or Hong Kong.
    Public transport therefore makes a significant contribution to the local economy: in direct creation of wealth (i.e. its contribution to the GDP) public transport provides work to several millions of people in Western countries alone and each direct job generates between 2.5 and 4 indirect jobs. A study carried out in Switzerland shows that every one euro of value creation from public transport is linked to a further value creation of 3.6 EUR in the total Swiss economy. Investments in public transport infrastructure generate 20% more jobs than same amount invested in road or highway construction.

    Public transport helps the planet breathe

    The demand for energy for transport has increase fivefold since the 1950s and around the world the demand for energy is continuously increasing. Transport represents 30% of total energy consumption in the EU with dependency on petrol reaching 98%; it is a similar picture around the globe.
    The recent price spikes of fossil fuel have sent shock waves across the sector. As long as the main source of energy for transport in the world comes from fossil origin (and this is the case for the timeframe of this strategy), the crucial societal problems of global warming and energy security remain two sides of the same coin. It is the responsibility of all to address this problem in the face of regional inequalities.
    - What public transport can offer
    The car industry has been making progress in offering cleaner and energy efficient vehicles, but the pace of the growth in car ownership is offsetting this advance.
    Policy driven strategies are much more effective than purely technology driven strategies in tackling the issue of energy efficiency, pollution and climate change. Well-patronised attractive public transport uses energy both efficiently and in an equitable manner, providing mobility for the majority not for the few. Whilst the car industry is still dreaming of a “2 litre/100km car”, regular public transport already achieves this performance every day with conventional technologies.
    Energy consumption for transport per inhabitant is four times higher in cities such as Houston or Chicago, where the majority of trips are made by private cars compared with cities such as Warsaw or Hong Kong, where public transport, walking and cycling are highly used.
    Every country, region and city needs to make its own contribution to reduce the risk of climate change. Public transport can play a major role, as an integral part of a metropolitan or city climate change action plan by reducing energy consumption by on average 500 litres per capita whilst still providing citizens will good levels of mobility.

    Public transport alleviates congestion

    The direct cost of congestion is often estimated at around 2% of the national GDP, but this figure can rise much higher in heavily congested urban areas. This represents yearly figures in the magnitude of hundreds of billions of euros (EUR 200 billion in the European Union alone).
    In addition and probably even more importantly, congestion makes cities unattractive places to live and work. Considering the continuous urbanisation and the increasing mobility demand in urban areas today, congestion around the world will continue to worsen unless the approach to mobility undergoes a structural change.
    More than half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas – as urban populations continue to grow, a drastic modal shift from the private car to public transport is the only solution to improving the quality of the increasingly limited urban space. Public transport uses limited urban space much more efficiently.
    In many cities, space restrictions make the option of road expansion not only undesirable but also impossible. Future mobility growth has therefore to rely mainly on public transport.
    - What public transport can offer
    Urban space is a precious commodity and public transport consumes it more efficiently than a car-oriented society. The vehicles keep moving, keeping the space freed up for other uses and for all members of society to enjoy: a journey from home to work by car is between 20 and 90 times more costly in terms of urban space and community financed infrastructure than the same journey made by public transport.
    In the past, insufficient attention has been paid to integrating public transport infrastructure into urban development, in many cases exacerbating congestion not easing it. Allocating dedicated transit corridors and priority for public transport in areas where there is pressure on urban space and high mobility demand provides several advantages: more attractive public transport, cleaner air, more space for people, healthier lifestyles, safer areas for walking and cycling and gains in energy efficiency; it has also been shown that all traffic flows usually become more fluid, benefiting everyone.
    The costs of such improvement in mobility and accessibility in cities can be obtained investing at a level far below the direct costs of congestion, and this calculation is even more beneficial if the external costs and social impacts caused by congestion are taken into consideration.
    Today in congested cities the return on investment for public transport sectors is higher than for investments in road infrastructure.

    Public transport brings everyone everywhere

    Mobility is the basis of a modern society. Economic development relies on a skilled and mobile workforce. Public transport plays a role as an enabler by easing access to education, job markets, health services, and economic activities, to name but a few core elements.
    Traditionally public transport has been organised to provide transport and mobility to a captive market. While this remains a fundamental value of the sector, it is time to take up the role of being the mode of choice regardless of wealth or the purpose of a journey. Availability of a private vehicle indeed does not guarantee mobility, and the vast majority of citizens of the growing and congested urban areas around the world rely on public transport to move.
    This is a major challenge in parts of the world where public transport’s image and service level is poor.  However, in places where its image and service level are strong, it should be the number one choice of mobility for all citizens. People from all levels of income need to be able to choose a form of mobility that is cheaper, cleaner and ultimately more pleasant than the private car. 
    What public transport can offer
    No city today can function efficiently without a proper public transport system. Considering the true cost of mobility to the community, public transport is clearly the most cost-effective mobility solution for all layers of the community in cities.
    Public transport also helps create cohesive communities as it encourages social contact and an awareness of others. This has both advantages and disadvantages; but as the world becomes more urbanised, we cannot neglect the basic fact that we will have to be more tolerant of living in ever decreasing space, and that this will necessitate more mass and less individual transport if we are to enjoy similar or equal levels of mobility to those that we enjoy today.
    In terms of safety, you are 10 times more likely to be involved in an accident travelling by car than by public transport. Therefore, public transport is clearly a safer mobility choice. A drastic modal shift will significantly diminish the number of fatal road traffic accidents in urban areas.


    In a nutshell, triggering a massive shift to public transport, by applying a daring step change strategy, will help to provide a sustainable future, with competitive cities where people can live and business can thrive...


    Investing in efficient and sustainable transport networks will help stabilize the global energy market, contribute to alleviating the role of transport in climate change, support economic growth and quality of life in cities by relieving congestion and offering mobility to all. Public transport means progress for societies, regardless of their degree of economic sophistication, and can provide citizens with an attractive mobility package.

    This context combined with the capability of public transport to bring together economic development, social equity and environmental-friendliness, creates a window of opportunity with the general public and decision-makers, favourable for the development of the sector. This opportunity to be vocal and show leadership must be seized, and the following strategy proposed.

    To turn this vision into reality, players need to ensure that 5 strategic axes are in place to allow public transport to yield its contribution to society in the most effective way. These axes are urban governance, business climate, investment, customers as core value and demand management.


    To turn this ambition into reality, 5 strategic axes are to be put in place:

    Lifestyle services to become the mode of choice for citizens

    Place customer needs and lifestyle at the core of planning, funding and delivering high quality mobility services.
    Modern consumer society is creating new needs and new usages. Citizens enjoy increasing choice between different modes, and they also compare transport performance with other services. Thus their framework of reference has become much wider, and is conditioned by a certain perceptions of quality from other sectors. (e.g. Internet providers, night shops, ..). Customer-orientation is the key requirement to ensure that companies deliver services with the level of quality expected by customers.
    Customers expect mobility solutions that are quick, safe and secure, convenient, reliable, clean and affordable, the whole wrapped up with understandable information. Well understood needs, quality delivery and innovation are the main drivers of successful service provision.
    Customers also expect greater consideration and individual recognition. Transport companies must show respect and care to their customers. This goes hand in hand with enhancing the travel experience and removing some of its negative connotations as well as psychological barriers. Global attractiveness is underpinned by quality, affordability and flexibility.
    Behaviour and attitude need to be radically changed if public transport is to become the preferred mobility option of citizens.
    Together with demand management (see 5.5), customer segmentation and customisation make it possible to offer high quality mobility solutions to a much wider proportion of the population, including the needs of the captive population.

    Key requirements:

    • The public transport sector should move from a production activity to an efficient customer-focused service industry delivering quality services and public transport undertakings should be turned into fully-fledged service companies ready to simultaneously meet the demands of their public authorities, their shareholders, their customers and their staff.
    • Customer-orientation is the key requirement to ensure that companies deliver services with the level of quality expected by customers.
    • To be customer-oriented, companies need to be reorganised to ensure that the entire corporate strategy is inspired or defined by a marketing vision that places the customer at the centre of the decisions. The marketing “state of mind” is the driving force for the impetus within the organisation, at the interface between the customers and the undertaking.
    • Segmentation and customisation should be used to respond to  customers’ expectations regarding receiving greater consideration and individual recognition.
    • Public transport undertakings should become integrators of multimodality: last miles, walking and cycling, door-to-door services and shared taxis.
    • Mobility should be offered in a way whereby customers gain a positive experience from their journey, as subjective feelings play a crucial role in people’s behaviour: they determine the decision to choose public transport over all available modes.
    • Security planning is no longer a ‘nice to have option’; it should be a core value of public transport providers and be embedded in all policies and planning as a tool to increase the subjective feeling of security
    • Public transport should be part of urban lifestyle: creating values aimed at a culture of ownership and pride by the citizens (“I love my public transport”), and consequently creating a strong brand.
    • Develop innovation for the benefits of the customers, or make sure that innovation will in the end increase the customer’s travel experience.

    Indicators/Evidence of actions taken:
    The following indicators are the main measures of the success of customer focus:

    • Ratio of loyal customers versus occasional passengers services. (annual passes) /(1 journey ticket)
    • Number of campaigns and surveys conducted identifying the public’s future needs (A major success criterion to ensure these needs are best met is to include the customer’s point of view in the process when developing new solutions).
    • Regular measurement of customer satisfaction e.g. once or twice a year, and measurement of company performance by comparing the quality defined and the quality delivered.
    • Number of new customised services around the transport offer (new products to specific target groups, innovative products to facilitate customers’ journeys  in terms of information, ticketing, comfort, perceived security; new services that give added value to the transport offer).
    • Use of surveys to measure the brand recognition (in a survey, ask for brands in your city)
    Visionary integrated urban policies

    Integrate urban policies to optimise the benefits of public transport and enable citizens to enjoy a pleasant urban life.
    In order to guarantee quality of life and the sustainable development of cities and regions around the world, it is essential to develop an integrated approach to urban policies directed at economic, social and environmental values for citizens and business. A well functioning and integrated public transport system is the cornerstone of such policies.
    Coordination of transport policies (vertical integration)
    To meet the economic, social and environmental ambitions of society, different transport modes and companies need to be coordinated in order to create an integrated public transport system with all actors pulling in the same direction. Action should be taken at the level which will be most effective for the local conditions and can contain areas with different regions and policy backgrounds. Without this coordinated approach, results will not live up to the expectations and ambitions because mobility zones often stretch beyond strict administrative boundaries.
    At the same time a balance is needed to ensure that intervention leaves room for the business-oriented activities of the operator (see 2) without sacrificing the social functions of public transport. It is the design of appropriate regulatory and institutional frameworks which ensures that both of these objectives are met.
    Coordination of associated policies (horizontal integration)
    These public transport policies can only succeed if they are effectively coordinated and integrated with other urban policies (e.g. land use, police, parking, fiscal etc.). This interaction brings benefits to both the public transport sector and other urban policy areas. National and regional governments play a major role in this, by providing a coherent and integrated legal administrative framework and strong support for local government. As a result local authorities are empowered to ensure and oversee the proper functioning of the sector. It is essential in this case that regional and local authorities are given the relevant powers to ensure that the policy goals set at the national level can be achieved.
    Key requirements:

    • Public transport should be recognised and promoted as a mode of transport which supports communities, is safer, more environmentally friendly, energy efficient and crucial for a growing economy.
    • It is essential that the legal and regulatory framework offers transparency, viability, stability and clear roles and commitments to each stakeholder of the supply chain.
    • Authorities need to act as the “champions of integration” at all relevant governmental levels. The coordination of different transport modes and different transport companies is essential to create an integrated public transport system from the viewpoint of the passenger.
    • Coordination with other policies is important to ensure that sustainability objectives are met, in particular urban planning, land use, energy and environmental planning, social inclusion, and traffic planning.
    • Ensure that the combined internal and external costs of all modes of transport are taken into consideration in urban areas and that the positive externalities of public transport are valued accordingly.
    • Create sustainable mobility solutions and define environmentally compliant ways of linking the needs for living, working, leisure and culture.
    • Develop a service which provides a real alternative to other modes of transport.
    • Integrate short, medium and long term policies

    Indicators/Evidence of actions taken:
    The following indicators are the main measures of the success of urban governance policies.

    • Congestion - the main indicators for congestion are ‘private vehicle average speed’ and ‘private vehicle road flows/road capacity’. Effective urban governance can mitigate congestion through targeted and coordinated action.
    • Public transport market share – key indicators for the public transport share are: public transport trips/ all trips including or excluding pedestrians. Coordinated policies can improve the popularity of public transport and encourage a shift to sustainable forms of transport.
    • Main pollutant emissions - the main indicator for pollutant emissions is total emissions / total trips*kms.
    • Encouraging the use of energy efficient and environmentally friendly forms of public transport is an important aspect of good urban governance.
    • Safety data - the number of people wounded and killed in public transport vs. in road accidents
    • Public transport commercial speed can be measured by looking at the average speed of public transport in peak and off peak hours. In order to ensure that public transport is the mode of choice for citizens, services must constantly improve their speed and reliability of service.
    New business culture

    Create a business and regulatory framework allowing public transport to thrive and to be attractive to customers, to investors and to the workforce.
    Public transport is a net contributor to global and local development economically, socially and environmentally. Public transport is an important source for sustainable, green, local jobs, and a strong support to local economy.
    Beside the traditional approach of public service requirements and its social function, innovative and diversified business models with decent profit margins must be encouraged in order to attract entrepreneurship, capital (see 5.4) and talent into viable public transport.
    A fair and transparent regulatory framework is necessary for the sector to become (again) a flourishing business, able to offer quality mobility solutions to various market segments (see 5.1). The production of services needs to be properly defined, monitored and remunerated whatever the service, be it “classical public service” or newer mobility services.
    Key requirements:

    • Ensure that regulations and contractual framework offer transparency, viability, stability and clear roles and commitments for each stakeholder of the supply chain:

    è Ambitious authorities able to plan and fund attractive transport schemes
    è A dynamic industry able to supply products and services needed
    è Service contracts between the authority and the operators (whether directly awarded or attributed following a call for tenders) are necessary to clearly define the responsibilities and objectives of each of the parties so that they can deploy skills in their respective fields of expertise (strategic, tactical and operational).

    • Good corporate governance constitutes an asset to attract investors to public/private partnerships where relationships between the different actors are transparent and clear.

    è Knowledgeable and entrepreneurial operators able to maximize quality at affordable costs

    • Innovative integrated business management and reorganisation towards customer-orientation (see 4)

    è Operators need to be professional and innovative to deliver services with the expected quality level and respond to the evolving needs and new lifestyles of consumers.
    èThe image of public transport as an employer must be improved and value given and reinforced to jobs in this sector.
    è Delivering high quality satisfactory mobility services implies rethinking the mission of the staff and in particular the mission of those who are in direct contact with customers. The challenge is to make staff sensitive to the evolution of the environment, to training, and to encourage employees to assume more responsibility.
    è Generating pride in ‘the job’, recognising good performance and developing a sense of belonging are also means of achieving motivation and commitment.
    è The use of innovative processes such as risk management help to better understand customer needs by an optimisation of the process, and to align, motivate and empower employees at all levels to deliver a satisfactory customer experience.
    è All corporate strategy should be embedded into staff processes, to ensure greater trust between management and staff and to stimulate their feedback.
    Indicators/Evidence of actions taken:
    The following indicators are the main measures of the success of sound business:

    • Investments in public transport
    • Fare coverage / public transport cost
    • Public transport sector productivity – public transport total cost/total passengers*km
    • turnover of staff/rate of absenteeism
    Stable funding and investment schemes

    Objective: To strengthen the financial robustness of the sector and reducing its dependency on public money by diversifying revenue and funding sources and increasing its patronage and efficiency.
    Due to increased pressure on public budgets, there has been a tendency towards underinvestment in public transport fleets and infrastructures for many decades. Alternative funding streams and private investments are increasingly recognised as indispensable funding sources, but the recent financial crisis could jeopardise this contribution from private investors.
    However, demand for public transport has been growing and will continue to do so in most parts of the world due to urbanisation, energy prices, environmental concerns, etc. This requires a drastic increase of capacity (notably to ease bottlenecks at peak time). The ambitious aim of doubling public transport use worldwide by 2025 reinforces this call for investment in public transport.
    Expectations from public transport are growing in qualitative terms as well (lifestyle, etc.) which means that increased resources are needed to better train staff and for innovation (in technology and services) etc.
    Excessive dependency on the public purse can jeopardize efforts and even the growth of the sector (e.g. the case of US public transport agencies). A more commercial approach to service delivery and pricing (without compromising social policy objectives) will help to reach a better cost coverage ratio and raise the financial attractiveness of the sector (see sections 5.1 and 5.3).
    Securing more resources, on a structural basis, is essential to further develop and improve public transport and to sustain services in the long run.

    Key requirements:

    • To create conditions which make public transport more efficient and profitable.
    • To make a prognosis and have a vision for the role of public transport in order to estimate investment needs in the medium/long term.
    • To develop stable and long-term structures for the funding of public transport (rather than case by case approaches).
    • To increase the share allocated to public transport in public budgets and as a share of GDP.
    • To earmark tax and revenue from the internalisation of mobility externalities for the benefit of the most sustainable mobility options.
    • To increase the financial contribution of the private sector and to diversify private funding of public transport. Government guarantees for private loans are key to success.
    • In the context of the financial crisis, to demonstrate to risk-averse investors that public transport is a safe and stable asset worth including in their investment portfolios.

    Indicators/Evidence of actions taken:
    The following indicators are the main measures of investment and funding.

    • Public transport modal share forecasts for the next 5, 10, 15 years
    • Share of GDP spent on public transport
    • Average benefit-cost ratio of public transport development projects
    • Rate of variation of public transport operating costs per passenger x km over the years
    Demand management tools

    Objective: To actively influence citizens’ mobility behaviour with measures and policies that further encourage the use of public transport.
    The management of mobility in cities must rely on demand management measures as citizens’ mobility behaviour is shaped by many factors, a number of which are independent from public transport policy:

    • the urban form (the spatial organisation of the city and its metropolitan area) which is notably linked to the urban planning culture of the city or the country;
    • the socio-economic situation of the city (type and level of economic activities, opportunities for leisure and cultural activities, etc.);
    • the space and equipment devoted to each mode of transport (private motorised, public transport, walking and cycling);
    • the tax and pricing regime applied to each mode of transport;
    • personal circumstances (employed or not, social networks, physical mobility).

    These factors and more generally the political, operational and policy context of each area have an influence on mobility patterns and on the attractiveness of public transport. Acting on these factors and taking them into account in public transport policy helps influence mobility behaviour (see 5.2) - in the short and the long term- and increase the demand for public transport.

    Key requirements:

    • To optimize the support of public transport to urban development and regeneration.
    • To control urban sprawl.
    • To control the use of private motorised vehicles in the city by testing all available instruments (e.g. access restrictions, parking management, urban toll, etc.) and devising a mix of measures adapted to the local circumstances.
    • To implement an attractive and competitive fare system: fare level, structure, integration, etc.
    • To promote “smarter travel choices”, i.e. non-car options for journeys (notably more urban space for walking, cycling and public transport).
    • To consider undertaking actions to smooth demand at peak time (differentiated public transport fares and/or urban toll charges (if applicable), flex-time work schedules).
    • To maintain a dialogue with and coordination between all mobility actors

    Indicators/Evidence of actions taken:
    The following indicators are the main measures of the success of demand management.

    • Provision of public transport in new or regenerated urban areas
    • Proportion of car traffic avoided thanks to access control measures and/or urban toll (if applicable)
    • Number of parking spaces (per 1000 jobs) in the city centre
    • Cost of parking (for short and long stays) in the city centre
    • Share of taxes in fuel prices
    • Comparative speed of public transport and private motorized vehicles
    • Comparison of public transport fares and/or urban toll charges (if applicable) at peak and off peak time
    • Awareness raising campaigns (EU Mobility Week), education in schools


    To be successful, this strategy needs a strong commitment of all stakeholders. UITP is calling on the whole public transport community to demonstrate leadership and determination to make the sector flourish…


    The public transport sector has the competence and ambition to enhance the urban environment for citizens and business by doubling its market share worldwide by 2025

    To turn this vision into reality and allow public transport to deliver its contribution to society, it is necessary to implement all 5 strategic axes.
    The paradigm shift strategy proposed by UITP will be successful only if all stakeholders take up their full responsibilities. The current ’green new deal‘ represents an indispensable opportunity for public transport to profile itself as a PROBLEM-SOLVER.
    UITP calls on the whole public transport community to demonstrate courage and strong determination to take up and live up to this role:

    • Operators to boost business development through quality delivery, innovation and entrepreneurship,
    • Governments to earmark resources and organise the sector adequately, recognising it is a problem solver to societal challenges
    • Cities and local authorities to define ambitious market share objectives and develop sustainable mobility as part of integrated urban policies
    • Investors to support the real economy and mobility as one of its major drivers
    • Industry to develop innovative, reliable and cost efficient products and solutions


    We have the power to forge together a better future and materialise the desired step change, if we:

    Develop visionary urban governance:

    • Adopt a clear regulatory framework that provides business stability, supports sustainable mobility and leaves room for commercial activities alongside traditional public transport provision
    • Integrate all aspects of urban mobility and shift from isolated decision-making to integrated mobility management
    • Give yourself ambitious sustainable mobility plans and targets with monitoring tools
    • Coordinate all modes of public transport (different modes, services and operators) in your territory. To this end:
    • Foster single pricing or ticketing policy, compatible timetables, collective marketing and optimise your networks and interchanges
    • Coordinate your local and the regional levels
    • Ensure that no one is excluded from using public transport (availability, affordability and awareness of services).


    Create a favourable business environment:

    • Leave room for operators to develop competences, innovation and entrepreneurship
    • Change your corporate culture from of a fleet manager and production activity to a service industry fully focused on your customers. To this end:
      • Introduce new management models, processes and tools targeted at performance
      • Develop innovative HR practices to attract talented people, motivate and develop staff loyalty and consolidate training
      • Use integrated management models, strategy maps and values to ensure alignment of objections and actions, transparency, motivation and performance of staff
    • Use management contract to specify and balance the responsibilities, competences and risks of the parties
    • Define your desired and affordable level of quality and build it into your contract with a system of mutual bonus/malus
    • Use code of ethics to increase awareness of social responsibility and transparency.


    Secure stable funding and investment:

    • Use latest available methods to demonstrate value for money of investment in public transport and communicate to all stakeholders, including private investors, to position our sector as strong and stable with good long-term prospects for investment
    • Support the development of the right policy frameworks to ease the access to funding, notably adequate fiscal rules and accounting standards
    • Develop new income sources from diversified transport services as well as ancillary activities
    • Invest in new technologies that add value to service and/or cut costs
    • Urge governments to learn from the current financial / economic crisis to accelerate the shift towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns (“green new deal”) and give incentives to the development and the use of more sustainable mobility
    • Improve the life-cycle cost of your products
    • Be prepared to get involved in PPP and PFI initiatives.


    Focus on customer needs, lifestyle and innovation:

    • Respond to customer’s needs, expectations and new lifestyles and develop a portfolio of mobility products and services targeted to your traditional customer base and to new segments using a more commercial price structure
    • Become a true mobility provider, develop intermodal strategic partnerships and alliances with taxis, bikes and carsharing, parking facilities, information providers and all major mobility generators.
    • Provide integrated services including information, tariffs, fare products.
    • Use total quality management to ensure a service delivery that is in line with the planned quality and measure satisfaction and performance
    • Elaborate marketing strategies and plans and monitor their return on investment
    • Improve your image and brand to make citizens proud of using your service and your staff proud to work in the sector
    • Introduce innovation carefully, understand the needs of end users and share innovation risks fairly.


    Resort to demand management measures:

    • Plan your network according to long-term urban developments and planning
    • Support the development of a policy framework which mandates the integration of public transport into urban planning decisions
    • Take measures to control car use in cities through supportive parking policies, limited traffic zones, ban of through-traffic, ban of polluting vehicles
    • Consider all options to reduce bottlenecks in rush hours: differentiated time-of-day fare pricing or flex-time work schedules with employers and schools
    • Incentivize employers to develop company travel plans
    • Raise awareness with citizens about the consequences of their mobility choices
    • Test the desirability of introducing urban toll to combat congestion and emissions
    • Give public transport a competitive advantage over cars, in particular by means of segregated infrastructure, priorities etc.

