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  1. @MeenComics @douglaswolk ME TOO
  2. I saw a dear friend for the first time in a year... She now has an Order of the White Lotus tattoo. That is some charming nerd shit, friends
  3. @mudron @quirkybird @ktastical We want to be on the Who traaaaain
  4. My bad, this is not a romance, this is about Rachel Weisz, Nerd Through Time.
  5. Rachel Weisz puts an unwanted suitor in his place by giving him her menstrual blood. That'll do it!
  6. Agora is on Instant. Of course I want to watch a romance about the burning of the Library of Alexandria, of course I do.
  7. ALTERNATE JOKE: I dreamed about an artist who was Tom-of-Finland-cum-Leyendecker, WOCKA WOCKA
  8. I had a dream that Fo bought these giant prints of Tom of Finland / Leyendecker mash ups. Which is brilliant, and of course she would.
  9. @mudron I didn't know until just now! I just knew her book was out! BOOOOO
  11. Such a guilty pleasure. Stress on the "guilty." RT @THR FX Renews 'Archer' for Third Season
  12. @koalaparty I want this in like full mural size:
  13. @koalaparty Unpossible. (I had a poster of their final stand in my hall for years.)
  14. Fo pointed out that someone should re-edit Suckerpunch to that Friday song. #internetthemovie
  15. I can't wait until Zack Snyder finds a photoshop filter that applies dramatic tension.
  16. Zack Snyder is so good at making elaborate visuals soulless and boring.
  17. Summer vacation is the worst lie we tell children.
  18. How old do I have to be to stop thinking that spring means summer vacation is just around the corner?
  19. @BrendanAdkins There is punching in volume!
  20. The venn diagram for the audience of a crime comic about a down-on-her-luck wiseass bisexual detective is just a circle with my name in it.