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  1. @MrLeePerry @therealcliffyb I agree, play it!
  2. Gonna boot some Shooter 2 MP up in an hour or so..after looking through the collected stats today I'm dying to try to use the time-slip more
  3. 明日からファミ通にPixelJunkの広告が載ります!皆宣伝してね~♡
  4. @Warmanator np, but it does sound like you didn't get to enjoy it in the way we intended... the lack of spin dash would have really hindered
  5. @tatsumaki_566 よかったよかった!オンラインは熱いので楽しい(毎晩やっていますw)
  6. @giles you're no.1:
  7. @_inviolable did you see the "other" animation.. the one that ends in a little survivor body shake? ;-)
  8. @higepower いえいえ、記事を読んでて嬉しかった!もっと日本人にPixelJunkを知って頂きたいです!ちなみに今週からファミ通で少し頑張った広告キャンペインが始まります!
  9. @Pixoshiru @mizuguchitter we both have a fetish for things called Eden
  10. @Mizuguchitter @Pixoshiru combined we are a gaming industry double Q combo!
  11. @bmbnbs @PixelJunkNews @PixelJunkRadio we're working on it and there will be announcements soon!
  12. @Warmanator heheh, well they aren't scientists, they are bats posing so their silhouettes look like scientists :D
  13. @_inviolable are you enjoying the little animations? did you see the monsters dance?
  14. @Doctor_Thomas glad to hear you are enjoying it!
  15. @Luillin get practicing! :)
  16. @davidsgallant i love it when that happens :)
  17. @holdmykidney I wish! But that question is better directed at Nintendo :-)
  18. @niccusworth it'll all be worth it in the end :) you've definitely got to try X-Scape once you get a 3ds