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Reader Discussion: What Are You Playing Until Mass Effect 3 Comes Out?

It's fair to assume that on Tuesday, whatever it is you are currently playing (beaten or unbeaten) will be unceremoniously dropped in favor of Mass Effect 3.

Around these parts, everyone is finishing up Mass Effect 2 replays and its DLC. Most of us held off on playing the DLC until recently, using it as a Mass Effect gameplay and story refresher. Personally, I played all the DLC last year during a random week when it all went on sale. I just finished up Alan Wake's American Nightmare, starting it recently knowing that it wouldn't be a huge time investment that would overlap onto Tuesday.

What are you playing right now? Or are you currently in a voluntary coma to make the wait for Mass Effect 3 feel that much shorter?

Email the author Kyle Hilliard, or follow on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, and Game Informer.

  • Playing Mass effect 2. Had to beat it a second time after mordin died for me.
  • Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning...Almost done with it but we'll see if I can finish it before ME3 comes out ><
  • Okami; almost done with it (VERY long game) and I'm enjoying every minute of it. If you like Zelda you'll love Okami. Tomorrow I'll finish the ME 2 DLC one final time.
  • I'm going to be playing Skyrim, and even when Mass Effect 3 does come out I won't stop Skyrim, because I'm not allowed to get Mass Effect 3.
  • Trying to get through ME2 on a 5th playthrough. I might not make it though...
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. And I'm only about 3/4s done with it. I'm in trouble.
  • Mass Effect 2, have to beat all the leftover dlc I have
  • I'm rocking some Cave Story and the Sly Cooper Collection. Both of which I can pop in sparingly when I need a little break from Mass Effect 3 as well.
  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and some Starcraft 2 on the side. :D
  • I bought skyrim last week and it's been doing pretty well also the mass effect 3 multiplayer demo. Does anyone know if youre progress carries over from the demo?
  • I'm kicking it old school and playing through Star Wars: KOTOR again.
  • Kingdoms of Amalur. Level 34 right now, and I haven't even gone to the second continent yet.
  • I had to rebuy mass effect 2 for ps3 since my box no longer works... beat it once already, debating whether or not i care that mordin died enough to play through it again.
  • Ill tell you what im not playing. AC3 :(
  • I have been replaying every other mass effect game and also KOA:R, And RDR.
  • Lots of MW3 and Mortal Kombat.. Other than that, Netflix.
  • Coma... Why... Not... Tuesday...
  • I'm actually not picking up Mass Effect 3 on day 1, I'll wait a couple months and see how it's doing, because I'm honestly not excited for this game anymore.
  • Battlefield 3 and Red Faction Guerrilla. I'll be playing those after Me3 comes out too.
  • Diablo 3 Beta, and I'll keep on playing until all ME3 DLCs have been released.
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