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Brazil Searches to Bring Health to the Less Favored

In her struggle against poverty, which still affects some 16 million Brazilians, President Dilma Rosseff has set a goal of bringing health to the sectors with fewer resources to alleviate their economic plight.


Latin America and the Caribbean: A Zone of Peace

"While nuclear weapons are there, we still care about accidents, miscalculations and crazy people who may have these weapons in their possession,” said the American Scientist Alan Robock on one occasion in Havana, an issue that the Cuban leader Fidel Castro has repeatedly warned about.


The European Economic Crisis and Political Colonialism

A news story that is not news.  The fact that many mass media had already prepared their stories is very possible; including the foreseeable instability of the members.


Campaigns against the Cuban Revolution

The First National Conference of the Communist Party of Cuba reaffirmed the organization's cardinal lines and the country’s guidelines to reject the reintroduction of the multi-party system that prevailed until 1959, without simultaneously abandoning the promotion of greater internal democracy.


Venezuela: Improving the People’s Quality of Life

The final months of 2011 and the first weeks of the New Year have seen the emergence of new missions in Venezuela developed by the government of President Hugo Chavez, seeking to cut extreme poverty in half, which is currently at 7%.


Ex-Panamanian President Repeated her Sultry Behavior

There are actions and pronouncements that immediately arouse rejection and indignation. That is the case with the recent remarks of the former Panamanian President, Mireya Moscoso, who reaffirmed to a radio station in the U.S. city of Miamit hat she would again pardon the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and 3 other criminals as she did 8 years ago under her government.


Science Day in Cuba

By Lisa Wilson

Cubans celebrated Science Day by rendering tribute to the men and women who make crucial contributions in favour of health, economy and society; besides emphasising the fact that the booming research movement continuously contributes to boost food production.  Regarding that, outlines from multiple working plans were heard and they were inspired by the words pronounced by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, who on January 15, 1960 said that the future of the country was the future of science.

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