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9 ways to banish common clutter problems

January 28, 2010

Mary Meehan

The dreary days of winter are the perfect time to get things in order inside your house—or didn’t you know that January was get organized month? Professional organizer and author Deniece Schofield points out a few common challenges and tips to overcome them.

1. Those houses on the A&E TV show “Hoarders” don’t look so bad.

Tip: If people around you have problems with your organization, listen to them. Sometimes it’s hard to really see what’s right in front of you.

2. You still have the receipt from lunch last July and the invitation to your just-married nephew’s bar mitzvah.

Tip: Paper can take over your life. Have a central calendar, either on paper or in digital form, and keep all relevant information recorded in that. Toss that invitation, receipt or unnecessary scrap.

3. You know you have those cute little corn cob holders but are not sure exactly where they are.

Tip: Store little-used kitchen items in out-of-the-way spaces, but keep a list taped on the inside of a cabinet noting where they are stashed.

4. If you can’t get all the laundry done or the whole house vacuumed, you do nothing.

Tip: Make a daily list of things that need to get done, and a running tally of bigger jobs. Mark your progress. One load done? Check. Two rooms vacuumed? Check, check.

5. A closet in your house is filled with stuff you’ve bought to organize your house.

Tip: Don’t go on an organizing-bin binge. If you can’t find things around your house to reuse for storage, buy something only for a specific purpose.

6. Your bathroom looks like the retail section of a beauty salon.

Tip: Instead of piling products into the shower area, give each family member a colour-coded tote for personal items.

7. Eighty per cent of your shelf space is devoted to a priceless collection of PEZ dispensers.

Tip: Collections are fabulous but are best displayed a few at a time. Rotate your favourites, and the display will remain clean and fresh.

8. Your closet has items with shoulder pads or with tags still on them.

Tip: Go through clothes routinely, making yes, no and maybe piles. Donate those you haven’t worn in a year.

9. Things get perfectly organized but never seem to stay that way.

Tip: Maintenance is crucial. It takes only a few seconds to return something to its proper place. It’s worth it in the long run.

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