Tuesday, January 31, 2012
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living | Disabilities

Henderson: Disabled community comes together around new journal

The online Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, debuting this fall, will offer a Canadian perspective of issues facing the disability community.

Henderson: Grassroots group takes back patients’ stories

Kim Lageer's work will be among the art from Ontario's L’Arche community hanging in Lieutenant Governor David Onley's offices for the next six months. Recovering Our Stories is trying to reclaim the narrative process, reshaping it into something that is more equitable.

Henderson: No justice for the intellectually disabled

If a victim is judged unable to explain concepts like oath, truth and promises and unable to give...

Henderson: TV offers glimpses of different realities

A young man embraces his “freakishness” on American Idol and we all learn a lesson.

Henderson: How a cardboard chair can change a life

Ryerson University’s new adaptive design studio is developing innovative aids that are already...

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