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by Mithila Gupta

If you have worked with HD, how did you find it?

Have not worked with HD as yet.

Is their a resistance in your area to high definition video? If so, why do you think this is?

Not at all - looking forward to using it.

As a producer, have you found working with digital equipment easier/more convenient?
Sometimes faster and more convenient for digital shoots, but if you have a good crew, film shoots can be the same.

What do you lose, as a producer, when you use HD?

Quality of the end output - depth of colour.  Other than that, you actually gain more when using HD, easier post production, and cheaper, as well as greater flexibility in the distribution options.

What is the cost and accessibility of shooting on digital formats?

The cost of equipment is a little less, the cost of film stock, processing and telecine is removed - but added is the cost of transfer to a digital online suite where consumer systems are still not able to work in high resolution HD.  Accessibility is still an issue with not many equipment vendors having a great deal of HD cameras as yet (and appropriate lenses) thus the cost right now is still about equivalent to shooting on film (when talking about HD - if talking about shotting on Digit or SP beta or miniDV format - these issues do not apply and it is absolutely cheaper shooting on digital format, on lining and exporting to finish on tape).

Finally, the cost of shooting on HD also involves the soft cost or re-education - of the director, DOP and crew on what the best lenses, camera etc is to choose.  This is trial and error.

Which format do you currently prefer to shoot on and why?

Always prefer 35mm, but am leaning now for accessibility toward HD, however the costs have not come down enough to really be the most preferred option.


How absolute will the change over to digital be?

The change over to digital will never be completely absolute.  Film will always exist as long as there will be theatres that have spent a lot of money fitting our film projectors (a significant investment historically around the world). There will of course be a greater adoption and move toward digital on the principal photography side, but until the distribution of the world's cinemas are completely re-fitted with digital projectors, this move to the digital realm will not be complete. 

Once the cinemas are digital and the availability of cameras (with good lenses) and post production is cheaper as well (final cut pro current sd cards are approx $10,000), then the accessibility to use digital will be greater for all filmmakers.  Once the barriers are down, there will be nearly 70-80% adoption (in my mind) but this will take 7-10 years.  There will always be old school theatres where film is the preferred format, and larger media conglomerates and Hollywood will really dictate how quickly we move to digital, and whether completely.  Finally, the online digital distribution model is the model I am most passionate about in the coming age of downloading movies directly, obfuscating the large corporate distribution and production houses, pod casting, TV and short films, etc. This model is the one I believe will be the most successful for the independent filmmakers.




Research Brief ] Production Costs ] Crew Sizes ] Industrial Changes ] Image Quality ] Aesthetics & Style ] New Filmmakers ] Smaller Productions ] Big Productions ] Julia Morris ] Christopher Grose ] Post Production ] Distribution ] Cinemas ] Digital Distribution ] Digital Projectors ] Analogue Distribution of Digital Films ] Sharmill Films ] MPDAA ] David Hawkins ] [ Simone Govic ] Franziska Wagenfeld ] Day and Date Distribution ] Some Day and Date Numbers So Far ] Against Day and Date ] For Day and Date ] Forms of Piracy ] What is Piracy ] Piracy Stats ] Combating Piracy ] Online Distribution ] Exhibition Costs ] New forms of Exhibition ] References ]

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Last updated: 06/13/06.