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Healthy Road Trip Snacks and Meals

From our provider: SheKnows
healthy snacks

Taking a long car trip can wreak havoc on your diet. If you don't plan ahead, it's very likely you will spend a day living on fast food, candy bars, bags of chips and soda. But we have some healthy tips for your road trip!

Healthy Tips
It would be very surprising if you consumed any fruits or vegetables, whole grains or lowfat dairy products. Of course, maybe for one day, this really wouldn't be a big problem. But, if you'd like to at least try to maintain a healthy diet while you're on the road, there are several smart choices that travel well and will keep you feeling good on your journey.

One thing to keep in mind is to keep yourself hydrated. Bottles of water are inexpensive and can be refilled easily when you stop for gas or rests. On the other side of the coin you'll probably be walking a thin line between drinking enough water and the need for extra stops! Just find what works best for you.

I'll usually pack one cooler and one bag for non-refrigerated snacks. It's also a good idea to throw in some napkins, wet wipes, plastic utensils, and a couple empty plastic shopping bags to use for trash.

Here are my very favorite healthy road foods:

  • Cleaned and sliced raw vegetables; grape or cherry tomatoes
  • Apples, oranges, bananas, grapes
  • Snack-size dried fruit (such as raisins)
  • String cheese
  • Yogurts in a tube
  • Pretzels
  • Roasted soy nuts
  • Baked, flavored rice or popcorn cakes
  • Sugar free Jell-O cups/fat-free pudding cups (with plastic spoons)
  • Reduced fat cookies/crackers
  • Fruit juice boxes; mini cans of low-sodium V8 juice
  • Whole wheat bagels with light cream cheese (bring a plastic knife; slice bagels before leaving)
  • Sandwiches made with lean luncheon meats and lowfat cheese or hummus and fresh spinach. There are so many great choices that my biggest challenge is not bringing too much food! Just keep in mind, that even if you're driving all day, you probably only need the same number of snacks as you normally would eat, as long as you're going to eat regular meals, too. Pack up and enjoy!

About the author: Erin Rogers, a work-at-home mom of two, is the founder of Health-E-Meals.com, providing practical healthy living resources for busy people. Visit her website, to sign up for the FREE newsletter, "Dinners on the Double" offering a quick and healthy, no-recipe dinner idea each week. Other available services include quick and healthy recipes, healthy cooking articles, fitness and motivation tips, healthy living web links, and lots more! Erin can be reached via e-mail here erin@health-e-meals.com.

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Healthy Road Trip Snacks and Meals

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Jewisamilton says:
December 20, 2011

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mikeysweeney says:
May 03, 2011

Great tips here, especially the bit about pre planning. Common sense yet we never do it. thanks for this.

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mikeysweeney says:
May 03, 2011

Great tips here, especially the bit about pre planning. Common sense yet we never do it. thanks for this.
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