
Popular Disney Crafts

Disney Holiday Fun


Pluto Travel Pillow

Pluto Travel Pillow

Back seat passengers will get a lot of mileage out of this cuddly travel pillow. Fashioned from fleece, the pillow is extra soft and requires no sewing. The seams are joined with fabric adhesive, and the facial features and collar are cut from sticky-back felt.

You'll need:

  • Pluto Travel Pillow template
  • Paper scissors
  • Straight pins for pinning the template piece to the fabric
  • Fabric scissors
  • Golden yellow fleece, 1/3 yard
  • Black fleece (1/4 yard) or black felt (1 sheet)
  • Sticky-back felt (one sheet each of white, black, and green)
  • Permanent fabric adhesive (Aleene's Fabric Fusion works well)
  • Iron
  • Pressing cloth (or piece of cotton cloth)
  • Polyester fiberfill
  • Wooden spoon

1. Print the template and cut out the pieces. Tape the top and bottom head pieces together, as shown, overlapping them by 1/2 inch. Now use the template pieces to cut out all the shapes in the specified colors of fleece and felt.

Step 1

2. Press the felt face piece firmly onto one of the fleece head pieces. Then press the eyes and nose in place.

Step 2aStep 2b

3. Cut out a sticky-back black felt grin line that is roughly the width of the nose and firmly press it onto the fleece just above the neck.

Step 3aStep 3b

4. Use fabric adhesive to attach the tops of the ears to the sides of the second fleece head, as shown. Set the adhesive as instructed by the manufacturer.

Step 4

5. Now apply a line of adhesive 3/8-inch in from the edge of the same head piece you attached the ears to. Go all the way around the head and over the ear tops, leaving only the bottom edge of the neck unglued. This will provide an opening for stuffing the pillow.

6. Again, set the adhesive as instructed by the manufacturer.

7. Stuff the pillow with fiberfill, using the handle of the wooden spoon to push the polyester into the curves.

8. Glue the bottom of the neck closed and set the adhesive.

9. Finally, peel the backing off the collar piece and fold it in half, sandwiching the neck between it.

Step 9aStep 9b

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Pluto Travel Pillow

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linden-tea says:
August 30, 2011

Oh, great idea! Will certainly accomplish it. My son loves Pluto. It will be very happy, and will assist in the preparation. Thank you!


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colorinf74 says:
November 04, 2010

so cute i am going to try to make it when i go to disney

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evspal0172 says:
September 27, 2010

super cute.. planning on making these 4 my baby cousins! can you add templates for other characters??

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