Futurama Alien Alphabet    Futurama Alien Alphabet

The Futurama Alien Alphabet appears in Matt Groening's animated series Futurama. It is used mainly to write signs which appear in the background of some scenes and which are often in-jokes.

Futurama Alien Alphabet

Futurama DVDs Buy Futurama DVDs from: Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk


Free Futurama fonts

Much Ado About Futurama - a fan site wth lots of information about Futurama (includes free font): http://www.killbots.com

Fictional alphabets

Ancients' Alphabet, Ath, Atlantean, Aurek-Besh, Cirth, Daedric, D'ni, Dragon Runes, Futurama Alien Alphabet, Gargish, Gnommish, Golic Vulcan, Hylian syllabary (Old), Hylian syllabary (Modern), Hylian alphabet, Klingon, Kryptonian, Marain, Matoran, Romulan, Sarati, Standard Galactic Alphabet, Tsolyáni (Tékumel), Tenctonese, Tengwar, Utopian, Visitor, Zentlardy

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