Sunshee alphabet    Sunshee alphabet

The Sunshee alphabet was invented by Sam Rosenthal in 2004 when he should have been at school. Sam and his friends sometimes use it, often to communicate in secret. The alphabet is used to write Welsh, but can be easily adapted to write English.

Notable features

Sunshee alphabet

Sample text in the Sunshee alphabet

Sample text in the Sunshee alphabet


Genir pawb yn zyk ac yn gydrak â'i gilyk mewn urkas a hawliau. Fe'u cynysgaekir â zeswm a vydwybod, a dylai pawb ymkwyn y naix at y xax mewn ysbryd cymodlon.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


Sample site written in Sunshee

Download Sunshee font (TrueType, 15K)

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