Shiwi    Shiwi

The Shiwi alphabet was invented by Kiro to write a language of the same name that appears in a story she is writing. Shiwi can also be used to write English, and is modelled on Middle Persian alphabets.

Notable features

Shiwi alphabet

Shiwi alphabet

Sample texts

Sample text in the Shiwi alphabet and language


Heyaia, ihai youi ya...
Heyaia, ihai youi ya....
Heyaia ihai youi ya....
Douinya, whabanei inhia....
Heyaia whaio....
Heyaia ihai youi ya....
Douinya, whabanei inhia....
Heyaia yaya ie, heyaia yaya ie.


Heavenly, the sky is....
Heavenly, the sky is....
Heavenly, the sky is....
Life fills Earth....
Heavenly world....
Heavenly, the sky is....
Life fills Earth....
Heavenly sings me, heavenly sings me.

Sample text in the Shiwi alphabet and language


Anha humana chishi ya bhuodjae douinya nochija ti ikwa ye onhwa ti khopoi. Mana ya bhuodjae pakwo ti mahwaia ti bertapa ya toh un asini ye chishi debowha.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Download a font for the Shiwi alphabet (TrueType, 8K).

If you have any questions about the Shiwi alphabet, you can contact Kiro at:

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