Sadhain    Sadhain

Sadhain is yet another alphabet created by the people in Dardaniell, the fictional world invented by Pieter Rottiers. Sadhain actually is no Dardain word, its name is a distortion of the name of the inventors girlfriend (whom he loves very much, of course!). It is a fully vocalized abjad, and like most abjads it is written from right to left. The script is used to write Dardain.

Sadhain alphabet

Hard consonants: plosives and fricatives

In Sadhain there are no more than four different characters to cover this section. Instead, a whole variety of dots are used to distinguish them. Every family of hard consonants has a basic form (no dots), a sonorized form (one dot), a fricative form (two dots) and a form that is sonorized as well as fricative (three dots).

Sadhain hard consonants: plosives and fricatives

Soft consonants: sonorants

Sonorants are those consonants that are voiced and can never be made voiceless, and that can be produced continuously at the same pitch. In Sadhain these are seperated in four subgroups: nasals (m, n and ? ), liquids (l and r), semi-vowels (j and w) and the h.

Sadhain soft consonants: sonorants


As said before, Sadhain is a fully vocalized abjad. This means that vowels can be added to the script as diacritics. Every vowel is added on a seperate carrier, that is fixed to the other letters. Vowels also have certain similarities: 'e' is actually a combination of 'a' and 'i', 'u' is a combination of 'o' and 'y', and the last three vowels are nothing more than the 180 degrees shift of the first three. A seperate vowel is the letter for schwa (ə), which is the symbol for the unstressed and toneless neutral vowel that sounds like the 'a' in about.

Sadhain vowels


Sadhain punctuation

Sample text in Sadhain

Sample text in Sadhain (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


run'daerion saran hwi shaiar in hornilën hwi dharcharàr nasil simoriat. Tharen hanwil hwi chinsaen danwil ennoriat, hwi 'hare in sinhir bhfaridhinain dthar araliniar dturoriat.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

If you have any questions about the Sadhain alphabet, you can contact Pieter Rottiers at: Pieter Rottiers' email

Other scripts invented by Pieter Rottiers

Bel'Arian, Cwirhald, Dhingion Niginair, Gorwelion, Nirichaen, Sadhain

Other alphabets invented by visitors to this site

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