Quenti    quenti

The quenti is a script invented by Kevin Banks for the invented languages of Elder Tongue (Lingo Almea), Maiarin (Lingo Maiaran), and Aranin (Lingo Aranion), although the latter two are rarely ever written with the quenti. The name for the script is an Elder Tongue word that means 'sound characters', as opposed to 'senur', or 'letters, runes', which are used for the Speeches of Men. It resembles the scripts invented by J.R.R. Tolkien, but follows a different pattern and is made to resemble some of the Roman alphabet.

Internal History

When the Sendor (the 'Grey Ones', a mysterious race of advanced peoples) disappeared, they left many ruins of their civilization, including what looks to be writing. During the rise of the first kingdom, one scholar, Indacor, received a vision by wandering into a crumbling Sendor temple. This led him to create the quenti, which was, and still is widespread throughout Endor (the world where the histories take place).

Notable Features

Used to Write

The Quenti Consonants

The Quenti Consonants

*the first character is used at the beginning of words. The second character is used elsewhere. When a vowel is doubled (accented), the vowel is placed over the 'open vowel' character.

The Quenti Vowels and Special Characters*

The Quenti Vowels and Special Characters

*the second character for 'e' and is used when the stem of a consonant points down. The first is used elsewhere.


The Quenti Punctuation


The Quenti Numerals

Sample text

Sample text in Quenti


Silmi alya wani vumbolvo tyaloa ar leniani sol tanyor ar tirgar. Iccenti vistá ar maloistá, ar amolani ní sorolier.

Literal Translation

All Men are born free and the same in worth and rights. They have foresight and knowledge of good, and they should act like siblings.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

If you have any questions about Quenti, you can contact Kevin at: rojinmusha389[at]yahoo[dot]com

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