Parthian script


The Parthian script developed from the Aramaic script around the 2nd century BC and was used during the Parthian and Sassanian periods of the Persian empire. The latest known inscription dates from 292 AD.

Notable features

Used to write

Parthian, a Middle Iranian language which originated in the ancient province of Parthia (in the northeast of modern day Iran).

Parthian script


Information about the Parthian language

Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS), University of London:

Consonant alphabets (Abjads)

Ancient Berber, Arabic, Hebrew, Mandaic, Manichaean, Middle Persian, Nabataean, Parthian, Phoenician, Paleo-Hebrew, Proto-Sinaitic / Proto-Canaanite, Psalter, Punic, Sabaean, Samaritan, Sogdian, South Arabian, Syriac, Tifinagh, Ugaritic

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