Lule Sámi (julevsámegiella)

Lule Sámi is a Western Sámi language spoken in Norway and Sweden by about 1,500-2,000 people. It is spoken mainly around Luleå in Sweden and in northern parts of Nordland county in Norway, and also in Tysfjord municipality, where it is an official language

Lule Sámi is written in the Latin alphabet, and has an official orthography. The language was standardised in 1983.

Lule Sámi alphabet

A a Á á B b D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l
a á be de e äf ge i je äl
M m N n Ń ń O o P p R r S s T t U u V v Å å Ä ä
äm än äŋ/äń/äñ o pe är äs te u ve å ä/æ


The letter ń is also written ñ.
The letters c, q, w, x, y, z and ö are also used, but only in foreign loanwords.

Lule Sámi pronunciation

Lule Sámi pronunciation

Sample text in Lule Sámi

Dán lágan li biejadusá dárogiela, rijkalasj unneplågogielaj ja dáro siejvvemgiela birra. Lágan li aj biejadusá sebrudagá åvdåsvásstádusá birra vaj máhttelisvuohta vatteduvvá aktugattjaj gielav ávkkit, ja giellaávkkima birra almulasj dåjman ja rijkajgasskasasj bálij.


This Act contains provisions on the Swedish language, the national minority languages and Swedish sign language. The Act also contains provisions on the responsibility of the public sector to ensure that the individual is given access to language and on the use of language in the public sector and in international contexts.

Language Act in Lule Sámi

Numbers in Lule Sámi

Some of the information on this page was supplied by 이윤호


Information about Lule Sámi

Online Lule Sámi lessons

Lule Sámi / English / Swedish picture dictionary

Lule Sámi grammar (in Norwegian)

Phrases in Lule Sámi

Sámi languages

Inari Sámi, Kildin Sámi, Lule Sámi, North Sámi, Pite Sámi, Skolt Sámi, South Sámi, Ter Sámi, Ume Sámi

Finno-Ugric languages

Enets, Erzya, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Karelian, Khanty, Komi, Kven, Livonian, Mansi, Mari, Moksha, Nenets, Saami, Udmurt, Veps, Võro, Votic

Other languages written with the Latin alphabet

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