Lóngwén   Lóngwén

The Lóngwén script is the creation of Pangus Ho (xeno_vivre@yahoo.co.uk). Pangus was inspired to create it during a particularly tedious Biology class and modelled the letter shapes on the Thai alphabet. The name means "Dragon Language" and is written 龙文 in Chinese characters. Pangus chose this name because the shapes of the letters remind him of dragons and he was born in the year of the dragon.

Notable features

Tone marks (声调)

Lóngwén tone marks

Initials (声母)

Lóngwén initials

Finals (韵母)

Lóngwén finals

How syllables are formed

Initials, finals and tone marks are combined to make syllables as follows:
Examples of Lóngwén syllables


Lóngwén punctuation

Lóngwén numerals

Sample text

Sample text in the Lóngwén script


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Other scripts invented by Pangus Ho

Anglo-Arabic, Cáiuén, Lóngwén

Other writing systems invented by visitors to this site

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