
Ido is a reformed and somewhat simplified version of Esperanto developed by a number of linguists and scientists including Dr Louis de Beaufront, Professor Louis Couturat, Professor Richard Lorenz, Professor Wilhelm Ostwald, Professor L. Pfaundler, and Professor Otto Jespersen.

The main reforms in Ido are in orthography - no diacritics are used, and in the marking of the accusative, which is used only if necessary. There are also differences in vocabulary and affixes. For those already familiar with Esperanto, Italian, Latin or any of the other Romance languages, Ido is easy to learn.

Other changes in Ido include the introduction of gender-neutral nouns with optional endings to indicate gender, and a gender-neutral third person pronoun (lu); elimination of the need for adjectives to 'agree' with the nouns they qualify, and of some difficult consonant clusters, such as ksc and kz.

The estimated number of people who speak Ido is between two and five thousand, and interest in the language has increased thanks to online activity, however no accurate statistics for the number of Ido speakers exist.

Ido alphabet (Ido alfabeto)
A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m
a be ce de e fe ge he i je ke le me
[ ɑ ] [ b ] [ ts ] [ d ] [ e ] [ f ] [ g ] [ h ] [ i ] [ ʒ ] [ k ] [ l ] [ m ]
N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z
ne o pe qe re se te u ve we xe ye ze
[ n ] [ o ] [ p ] [ k ] [ r ] [ s ] [ t ] [ u ] [ v ] [ w ] [ ks ] [ i ] [ z ]

A recording of the Ido alphabet by Jan Jurčík

Sample text in Ido

Omna homi naskas libera ed egala relate digneso e yuri. Li es dotita per raciono e koncienco e devas agar vers l'una l'altra en spirito di frateso.

A recording of this text by Jan Jurčík


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Longer sample text (Tower of Babel)


Uniono por la Lingua Internaciona (IDO) - the offical website with information on Ido in many different languages:

An introduction to the International Language (Ido)

Other International Auxiliary Languages

Blissymbolics, Esperanto, Folkspraak, Ido, Interglossa, Interlingua, Interlingue/Occidental, Lojban, Novial, Volapük

Other languages written with the Latin alphabet

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