Huasteco (Teenek)

Huasteco is a Mayan language with about 150,000 speakers in Mexico, mainly in the states of San Luis Potosi, Veracruz and Tamaulipas. Huasteco is also known as Huastec or Wastek, and the native name is Teenek or Tének.

The three main varieties of Husteco are Northwestern Huastec (Huasteco de San Luis Potosi), which is spoken in parts of San Luis Potosi and northern Veracruz; Central Huastec (Huasteco de Veracruz), and Southeastern Huastec (Huasteco de San Francisco Chontla). Some linguists consider these dialects of one language, while other classify them as separate languages.

Huasteco pronunciation

Huasteco pronunciation

There are a number of other spelling systems for Huasteco. In some, for example, the /θ/ sound is written with a d or dh, as in the text below.

Sample text

Patal an inik ani an uxum u wa'tsinal walkadh abal jununúl kin bats'uw an alwa'taláb ani ka pidhan in éy jant'ini' in tomnál; in kwa'al in tsalpádh ani in k'ayá' abal kin k'anidha' in juntal.


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

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Information about Huasteco language

Other Mayan languages

Huasteco, Kaqchikel, Mam, Q'eqchi', Tsotsil

Other languages written with the Latin alphabet

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