Ngãxasrix    Ngãxasrix

The Ngãxasrix (Fence Script) alphabet was created by Sean Panick to write his conlang Rãlin. It was inspired by and is meant to resemble medieval script. It is typically written in horizontal lines, left to right but is occasionally can be variably written in a clockwise spiral around the edge of the writing surface. The character for the phoneme /r/ is the root by which all the other letters are derived. Ngãxasrix is typically only used by the learned scribes and priests for literature or religious texts, common people and government officers use a simpler and more legible system called Leusrix (People's Script).

Notable features

Ngãxasrix (Fence Script)

Ngãxasrix (Fence Script)

Sample text in Ngãxasrix

Sample text in Ngãxasrix

If you have any questions about Ngãxasrix, you can contact Gary at: seanpanick44[dot]gmail[dot]com

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