Adyghe (адыгэбзэ)

Adyghe is a North West Caucasian language spoken by about 300,000 people mainly in the Republic of Adygea in the Russian Federation. Adyghe, which is also known as West Circassian, is also spoken in Turkey, Israel and Jordan.

Adyghe is closely related to Kabardian, and to a lesser extent to Ubykh, Abkhaz and Abaza. According to the UNESCO Map of the World's Languages in Danger (2009), Adyghe is vulnerable.

Since 1938 Adyghe has been written with a version of the Cyrillic alphabet. Between 1927 and 1938 it was written with the Latin alphabet, and before 1927 it was written with the Arabic alphabet. The literary language is based on the Chemguy dialect.

Cyrillic alphabet for Adyghe

Adyghe alphabet and pronunciation

The transliteration used above is the ALA-LC (American Library Association/Library of Congress) version. Other versions can be seen at:

Sample text in Adyghe

УблапІэм ыдэжь ГущыІэр щыІагъ. Ар Тхьэм ыдэжь щыІагъ, а ГущыІэри Тхьэу арыгъэ. УблапІэм щегъэжьагъэу а ГущыІэр Тхьэм ыдэжь щыІагъ. Тхьэм а ГущыІэм зэкІэри къыригъэгъэхъугъ. Тхьэм къыгъэхъугъэ пстэуми ащыщэу а ГущыІэм къыримыгъгъэхъугъэ зи щыІэп. МыкІодыжьын щыІэныгъэ а ГущыІэм хэлъыгъ, а щыІэныгъэри цІыфхэм нэфынэ афэхъугъ. Нэфынэр шІункІыгъэм щэнэфы, шІункІыгъэри нэфынэм текІуагъэп.


Ublapḣėm ydėzh′ Gushchyḣėr shchyḣag″. Ar Tkh′ėm ydėzh′ shchyḣag″, a Gushchyḣėri Tkh′ėu aryg″ė. Ublapḣėm shchеg″ėzh′ag″ėu a Gushchyḣėr Tkh′ėm ydėzh′ shchyḣag″. Tkh′ėm a Gushchyḣėm zėkḣėri k″yrig″ėg″ėkh″ug″. Tkh′ėm k″yg″ėkh″ug″ė pstėumi ashchyshchėu a Gushchyḣėm k″yrimyg″g″ėkh″ug″ė zi shchyḣėp. Mykḣоdyzh′yn shchyḣėnyg″ė a Gushchyḣėm khėl″yg″, a shchyḣėnyg″ėri t͡sḣyfkhėm nėfynė afėkh″ug″. Nėfynėr shḣunkḣyg″ėm shchėnėfy, shḣunkḣyg″ėri nėfynėm tеkḣuag″ėp.


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.



Information about Adyghe language

Adyghe Language Guide - online lessons

Adyghe transliteration tool

Recordings in Adyghe

Caucasian languages

Northeast Caucasian: Aghul, Akhvakh, Archi, Avar, Chechen, Dargwa, Godoberi, Ingush, Lak, Lezgian, Tabassaran, Tsez, Udi

Northwest Caucasian: Abaza, Abhkaz, Adyghe, Kabardian, Ubykh

South Caucasian (Kartvelian): Georgian, Laz, Mingrelian, Svan

Other languages written with the Cyrillic alphabet

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