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WAKFU: Open Beta Playthrough Part 1

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  • February 9, 2012 12:12 PM
Within the last couple of years, Square Enix has dramatically expanded its offerings of titles developed from many talented studios across the world. Announced two years ago and already in its Open Beta, one shining example of this new development is the MMORPG WAKFU developed by Ankama Games.

logo_wakfu_PNG_WEB.png While many of you have been involved in the Closed Beta and are now giving the game a try, we wanted to open up the book on this title a bit further and hopefully grab the attention of the rest of you who have yet to sign up and try WAKFU before its release on February 29th. In a brief 3 Part segment here on the Square Enix Blog, me, I, your Community Manager Robert Peeler will be playing the Open Beta and giving you a glimpse of the kinds of experiences and adventures are to be had in this new title.

Let me first take a moment to establish the setting here. In WAKFU, there are currently twelve character types for launch. These represent the class system of WAKFU, each one with their given strengths in both solo and group battles. As a MMORPG, you'll be given lots of opportunities to fight together in greater challenges, but of course there is also lots to do on your own. You can learn more about all the different characters here on the website, but for the purposes of this blog I'll be focusing on the Sacrier's Blood, a Berserker class. Sacrier's take in lots of punishment and thrive on it, they build an anger meter with each attack on their character and employ a variety of skills that boost the effectiveness of that meter.

Here's a shot of my relatively fresh character from the launch menu:
Wakfu 2012-02-09 14-37-31-79.jpg When I first found myself in the game, my character was given a few options on how to proceed, I could either jump in, defenseless, immediately to the world below, or I could train a bit on the elements of combat, strategy, and professions available. Professions act as the crafting system to WAKFU but its a lot more robust and deep than pretty much every MMORPG I've tried. We can get more into that later, but just a's scary deep.

Here's a shot of me talking with the tutorial NPCs and learning a bit more about the world I was about to tackle:

My first (well technically second, well...maybe third) guide into the world of Wakfu
Wakfu 2012-02-07 16-56-47-86.jpg Ran into a sleeping giant, and perhaps...lascivious Wolf who taught me the ways of the Harvesting professions.
Wakfu 2012-02-07 16-34-23-85.jpg Once I was ready, I was kicked down to the world below.
Wakfu 2012-02-07 16-56-50-50.jpg After my training, and a little bit of general combat just to get my hands dirty, I found myself with the inevitable choice of picking a nation. This determines a lot of things including the PvP system, the establishment of eco-control, and even the Government. You're given the opportunity to explore each nation and learn about its ideology. The nation of Bonta exists as the paramount "good guys", self-proclaimed students of being "good", then there's the Brackmar, a people of aggressors, freedom through strength with a dominance complex. There's Amakna, a community of foodies, obsessed with what tastes good and the agriculture surrounding it. And finally there's Sufokia, the "Atlantis" untouched good land of old with an air of mystery and intrigue surrounding it.

What did I go with? Well Bonta for the purposes of this trip into WAKFU, but there are advantages and policies to them all, and its really up to you which nation looks like your home, but I recommend reading through this forum thread to hear all sides from those who've already been playing.

Now back to heading into the character, Sacrier! So just with the first few levels let's look at some of the combat basics. First my character in its efforts to rid the world of felines looked to tackle this tabby with some strategic side-steps. When attacking a character from the side, you can deal greater damage (15% Bonus, 30% if attacked from behind). I did get caught in a bit of a trap however having to force the felinemy to move around the battle field because that in turn forced me to follow them and take up my turn. Looks like I needed to read more about the Lock & Dodge system.

A few shots of my epic battle against Heathcliff/Garfield/Felix!

Before the battle begins, I line up my shot and strategize where best to begin this battle.
Wakfu 2012-02-09 14-44-49-92.jpg Let the battle begin!
Wakfu 2012-02-09 14-44-53-93.jpg As the battle progresses, on each turn I choose which ability to employ, be it a status change that effects the foe or something that builds up my anger meter better, or even something that changes the direction and position of the enemy. You may also notice that some of the tiles on the battlefield have specific traits, these traits apply to different parameters both to foes and to yourself and allies. You can either push enemies to these tiles to debilitate them or move yourself to the tiles to strengthen your chances.
Wakfu 2012-02-09 14-45-21-62.jpgWakfu 2012-02-09 14-45-38-20.jpgWakfu 2012-02-09 14-45-42-28.jpgWakfu 2012-02-09 14-45-58-96.jpgWakfu 2012-02-09 14-46-43-11.jpgWakfu 2012-02-09 14-46-44-18.jpg

After all is said and done, I was able to take down my foe.
Wakfu 2012-02-09 14-46-45-44.jpg Early on, I'm not too good at building that anger meter, and I'm looking forward to some party battles to enhance my chances, if I have a nice Eniripsa (Healer) giving me HP, I can survive some of these devastating strategies that sacrifice my health in favor of winning. That or I'm just bad at my job. I'll figure it out...or maybe you can help me!

I'll wait for you as I warm myself by the fire!
Wakfu 2012-02-09 14-47-20-31.jpg Come join me in playing! I'll be on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday of next week. My character name is Tinieblas (it's Spanish...). Let's form some parties and get things going in this Open Beta. Next week I'll discuss the professions in greater detail, update you on where I am combat wise, and let you in on some of the updates coming down the pipe.

If you're already in the Beta or looking to join up for the long haul, WAKFU has a new promotion to reserve your name for launch, so check out your opportunity to secure your moniker before anyone else, then fight it out on the streets instead of in-game!

Robert Allen Peeler
Community Manager, Tactician and Experimental Subject

FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 Lightning & Amodar DLC

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  • February 7, 2012 9:38 AM
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Today we release a new Coliseum battle with key character Lightning in her FINAL FANTASY XIII original outfit, as well as Lightning's military superior Bodhum Security Regiment Master Sergeant Amodar.

7336Lightning_03.jpg Lightning:
Focused on the Ravager Paradigm, Lightning begins the battle asserting a powerful dominance that takes a bit of strategy to overcome.


Halfway through the battle, Lightning is joined by her superior officer in combat: Amodar. A skilled Commando, Amodar and Lightning battling together against the player, makes for a supreme challenge that only the most skilled players will tackle, with just a few of those coming out the victor.


Once defeated, these two can be yours to add to your party, individually of course. Train them both while in your employ and work for that full trophy/achievement completion rate with one of the best teams at your disposal.

7339Lightning_07.jpg The DLC is available later today (2/7/2012) for Xbox 360 at 240 MSP and on PlayStation 3 for $2.99. If you remember our interview with Producer Yoshinori Kitase and Director Motomu Toriyama at CES, Kitase mentioned that additional DLC with enhanced storylines for the characters within FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 will be available soon. Keep a watch here on Square Enix Members for more details as they come!

Robert Peeler
Community Manager, bottling Lightning since 1981

Army Corps of Hell: The King of Hell

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  • February 6, 2012 5:38 PM
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Set to open the doors for the upcoming PlayStation Vita launch, Army Corps of Hell looks to be a bloody new entry in the action genre. The game uses PlayStation Vita features like ad-hoc four player cooperative and competitive multiplayer as well as the rear touch pad to initiate hellish audibly-sourced bonuses. Titles like this are looking to crash into the early adopters of this new platform, and we've made some interesting efforts to get your attention.

You can read more about the game and watch a trailer on its multiplayer feature on the Playstation Blog. You can also learn more about the customization feature in the following trailer:

Premiering a few weeks back, the REAL King of Hell looks to reclaim his throne in Hell! Probably should have taken that left turn back at Kennebunkport cause now he's staggering lost in a different kind of Hell....Michigan.

Next our devilish liege runs into some, shall we say precocious children?

Still inviting the wrath of the King of Hell, the children proceed with a series of inane questions, followed by a visit to a local delicatessen.

Then of course as the day continues, the sport of American Football further agonizes our ghastly host:

We're thrilled to add this title to our lineup this year and hope you can all give it a try day one. The more souls the merrier!

Be sure to check out the official Facebook page and look out for more info to come as we get closer to the launch of the Playstation Vita and the release of Army Corps of Hell!

Robert Peeler
Community Manager and Redeemable Future Deadfullq.jpg


  • Posted on
  • February 2, 2012 3:04 PM
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6718111117_event_(US)_04_RGB copy.jpg
The sequal to FINAL FANTASY XIII has been out and about in the world for two whole days now, and we'd love to hear what you guys think of it! Please pass your feedback along through the FINAL FANTASY XIII facebook, or post it to us on Twitter using the #FFXIII2 hashtag.

Have you seen the Launch Trailer we put up back then as well? If not let me share it for you here:

So far we've seen a number of positive reviews from our fans, a few we'd like to share with you here. Hope none of you are too shy to have your words repeated on the internets (some names abbreviated):

KerryLB: got it at midnight havent stopped playin yet..SO AWESOME!!!
Nice work Kerry, thank your local retailer for staying up so late to pass it out!

JarrodL: Bought the collectors edition, just waiting for Game Stop to send it to me...HURRY UP GAME STOP!!! Hopefully the wait wasn't too maddening and you've been able to recover from the side-effects of excessive exclamation points.

MaggieM: Picking it up right after the gym, you know it.
I hope you stretched before playing, don't want you to pull anything.

JudielG:I got my copy since this morning as soon as gamestop opened I went inside and saw the XIII2 copies ready to be pick by their buyers. In fact I was the first to pick my copy along with the guide.
Nothing wrong with being second Judiel, but glad you got it quick. Enjoy!

DerrickP: I am definitely playing the game!!! They changed so much!!!! I think Lightning is the new Cloud and Caius is the new Sephiroth!!!!!
That makes Noel the new Barret or new Vincent? Noel doesn't say "You bustin' up my rhythm..." but Vincent was frozen in time..., course does that make Serah the new Aer...I've said too much.

AlexM: i got my copiy at midnight of release and been playing ever since must buy the guide though cuz now im stuck on what to do next just love it...
We believe in you Alex, you can get through anything, just believe in your...oh publishing says to buy the guide, yes buy the guide :)

XK: You people need to stop comparing FF7 with XIII-2. They are DIFFERENT games. Stop living in the past. If you don't, I'll send Ciaus to destroy you in the past, so I won't have to see your existence to complain about this in the future.
Well said, though I don't mind the comparisons, I just like hearing you use in-game plot devices to smite those who oppose you, smiting approved.

That of course is just a handful of comments, but we've also loved (and often shared) the pictures of midnight releases, and early morning pick-ups that you've sent us through Twitter! Thank you for those, and thanks for all the support!

For those of you who had some concerns and complaints about FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 or any of our other titles and expressed yourself on our Facebook or Twitter, rest assured we are always listening to our fans, even when they're not showering us with praise if you can believe it. Don't be afraid to always speak your mind, we'll gladly take it in and share and discuss it with our developers. As Director of FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 Motomu Toriyama mentioned in our recent interview with him at CES, this game was player driven, and created with the feedback of players in mind.

You might have caught us sharing some of our own enthusiasm for the game's release on Twitter as well. If you haven't, take a gander at some of the sugar-nourishment we enjoyed this week:


In the meantime we wanted to keep you guys aware of some of the giveaways taking place here in North America, as well as the impending launch of some new downloadable content for FINAL FANTASY XIII-2. is hosting a giveaway of some FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 including strategy guides and copies of the game! Enter to win and let them know that SE Members sent ya!

I also believe the contest on FINAL FANTASY Union is still taking place, where they're giving away a Collector's Edition of the game. Enter before the contest ends!

Lastly, there's some new DLC available come Feb 7th featuring Coliseum battles with Lightning adorning her garb from FINAL FANTASY XIII, and Daddy Bear Amoda!

7320Amodar_02.jpg7321Lightning_06.jpg For $2.99 on PSN or 240MSP on XBLA, you can purchase this new battle challenge, and once defeated, add these two to your party: either choose to use Lightning who plays the Ravager role, or Amoda who plays the Commando role.

There's more DLC on the way and we'll reveal the details on those soon, so keep your eyes peeled here on Square Enix Members.

One last reminder for all you UK/EU/AU players! Your copy of FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 comes out tomorrow, Feb 3rd!

Robert Peeler
Community Manager, Dealer of Limitless Challenges

FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 in One Week: Part 6

  • Posted on
  • January 31, 2012 5:24 PM
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6301110908_movie_04_RGB copy.png This post, I originally intended to house some of the additional giveaways related to the release of FINAL FANTASY XIII-2. Seeing however the outpouring of support the launch of this title has received from our fans all over, I feel compelled to relate instead a different subject.

Just a little about myself, I've long loved FINAL FANTASY, playing the first one week after release at my friends house (the only friend who owned all the additional console peripherals and every wrestling and super hero action figure you could think of). We were both in awe at the expansiveness of the world and the depth of story told with these sprites. I've stuck with it ever since, and spent many an hour waiting in long lines at the mall to pick up the latest iteration.

The release of FINAL FANTASY VIII in particular sticks out in my memory. I was the only person in my relatively small neighborhood who got up extra early to pick up my copy from a local toy store (often the best source of video games at the time). I waited long enough till a sarcastic tall lanky individual (much like myself a few years later) took out a giant keyring and opened the store, and reluctantly let me enter.

He made me wait an AGONIZING couple of minutes till he would open the behind the register case to hand me a copy of the game already setup on shelves the night before. Ignoring his advice as to what new great bicycle was also on sale, I pulled out an envelope I had stuffed with $20 and $1 dollar bills approximately $3 sufficient to afford the game and handed him the entire amount. Change received and game in hand I ran out and sprinted home to play. Even today, my wife will tell you I have an unhealthy obsession with wanting to be the one to unwrap cellophane seals on all media I purchase. To me its a joyous occasion, almost as fun as playing the game itself. Because to me, knowing what was put into this game and how I can now enjoy it anytime I want and proudly stack it among my other FINAL FANTASY titles on a shelf near my TV is euphoric.

I put in the first disc, and watched the opening cutscene/collaged trailer that plays in advance of the title screen...because I always do that first. Even when I'm eager to play, that's how I play my FINAL FANTASY. I sat wide-eyed listening to "Liberi Fatali" and imagining what would come next, how Chocobos would be involved, if I'd find a Cactuar or what a great battle against Odin would entail.

While being absolutely cheesy, and even a bit sappy, this short retelling of that day is similar I'm sure to many of your own. We're big fans of this series, and titles we love, titles we hate, and everything in-between we want to be a part of it all and see it through to the end. We want to share our opinions, rank our favorites in order, cry out for remakes, re-tellings, spin-offs, more focus on this, and less focus on that. We time our year around its coming and plan our week to give it space. Some of us dress to impress, others build homages in paint or clay or even toy building blocks and action figure dioramas. We're fans of FINAL FANTASY, and this day is ours. Enjoy it, bathe in its infrequent atmosphere and receive it with our thanks. We love seeing you enjoy these games as much as we enjoy making them, promoting them, sharing them, and supporting them.

I'd like to paraphrase one of the founders of Square Enix, Hiromichi Tanaka when once speaking about FINAL FANTASY XI: "As long as there are players, we will continue to support FINAL FANTASY". The players and fans of FINAL FANTASY keep us making new games and bringing you more content to enjoy. Thank you for giving us this job, and this task.

Robert Allen Peeler
Community Manager and lifelong adventurer
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