Political Prisoners of the Empire  MIAMI 5     


R e f l e c t i o n s   o f   F i d e l   C a s t r o


The fruit which did not fall
CUBA was forced to fight for its existence facing an expansionist power, located a few miles from its coast, and which was proclaiming the annexation of our island, which was destined to fall into its lap like a ripe fruit. We were condemned not to exist as a nation.

World peace hanging by a thread
YESTERDAY I had the pleasure of conversing leisurely with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I hadn’t seem him since September of 2006, more than five years ago, when he visited our country to participate in the 14th Non-Aligned Movement Summit which took place in Havana, when Cuba was elected for a second time to the Presidency of this organization for a three year term.

The best President for the United States
A well known European agency transmitted the news the day before yesterday from Sydney, Australia. "A group of Australian investigators from the University of New South Wales announced the creation of a wire 10,000 times thinner than a human hair, with the same electrical current carrying capability of copper."

Marching toward the abyss
It is not a matter of optimism or pessimism, of knowing or not knowing elementary facts, or being responsible or not for events. Those who profess to be politicians should be tossed into the waste bin of history when, as is the rule, they have no idea of anything or almost anything related to this activity.

Reflections of Fidel

[ 2010 ]  [ 2011 ]


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Editor-in-chief: Lázaro Barredo Medina / Editor: Gustavo Becerra Estorino
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