Political Prisoners of the Empire  MIAMI 5     



Havana.  January 17, 2012

Cuba and Brazil: excellent bilateral relations

Laura Bécquer Paseiro

DURING a visit to Cuba, Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota had official talks on January 16 with Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio de Aguiar Patriota (left) and Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.
Brazilian Foreign Minister
Antonio de Aguiar Patriota (left)
 and Cuban Foreign Minister
Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.

During this working meeting, the two foreign ministers confirmed the excellent state of bilateral relations and reiterated their will to strengthen ties between the two countries.

Patriota affirmed that his visit was an opportunity to develop a closer bilateral political dialogue, "based on the confidence we have built in the last few years."

Rodríguez Parrilla described as intensive the two nation’s economic relations, which have grown in recent years, making Brazil a very important partner for Cuba. He also expressed his thanks for Brazilian support in the battle to lift the unjust U.S. blockade.

The Brazilian Foreign Minister also met with Marino Murillo Jorge and Ricardo Cabrisas, Vice Presidents of the Council of Ministers.

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Editor-in-chief: Lázaro Barredo Medina / Editor: Gustavo Becerra Estorino
Granma International: http://www.granma.cu/

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